
PRIME: Prof. Fethi Rabhi, UN­SW „On­to­logy-driv­en Ar­chi­tec­ture for Man­aging ESG Met­rics”

Ort: Q5.245
Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. Dennis Kundisch

Name: Prof. Fethi Rabhi

Organisation: University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Position: Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering

Titel des Vortrags: Ontology-driven Architecture for Managing ESG Metrics


The burgeoning significance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics in realms such as investment decision-making, corporate reporting, and risk management underscores the imperative for a robust, comprehensive solution capable of effectively capturing, representing, and analysing the multifaceted and intricate ESG data landscape. The challenge for many companies is selecting relevant ESG metrics that reflect both top-down alignment with a reporting framework’s requirements and bottom-up alignment with available data resources. Recently, the use of Ontology- driven architectures has gained attention due to their ability to capture domain knowledge and context as well as integrate it into other systems and tools that support decision making.  In this presentation, we propose an ontology-driven architecture in the ESG metric domain that can help corporations to catalogue and explore ESG reporting requirements, standards and associated data. We use a design science method in developing the ontology and architecture, with its demonstration on Stardog platform. The ESG metric ontology was evaluated based on competency questions developed in a case study involving the IFRS reporting framework.