
In­ter­na­tion­ally re­cog­nised re­search on ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence and so­cial me­dia

 |  WiwiSonstigesPublikationenInternationale ForschungPressemitteilungenAuszeichnungenAllgemeinesForschung - Research

The Department of Information Systems can look back on a successful 2021. The researchers won three international awards for their excellent research and were nominated eight times for prizes at international scientific conferences. Their research focused on the topics of artificial intelligence (AI) and social media.

In collaboration with colleagues from the IT University of Copenhagen, Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller has developed a tool that makes it possible to assess the risk of using AI in public administration. "Artificial intelligence is by no means flawless. This raises the question of how high the risk of wrong decisions being made by AI in the public sector is and who bears responsibility for this risk," explains Professor Müller. The team won the "Best PhD Student Paper Award" at the Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST) conference for the scientific publication on the research project.

Another award-winning research paper came from the team at the Chair of Digital Markets (Michelle Müller, Janina Seutter, Stefanie Müller and Prof. Dr. Dennis Kundisch). Using the Black Lives Matter movement as an example, the researchers were able to show that high media attention increases the willingness to donate in social crowdfunding campaigns. The two publications on this study were awarded the Best Short Paper Award Runner-Up at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and nominated for the Best Paper Award at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Other nominations and awards were received by researchers from the Department of Information Systems at relevant conferences (e.g. International Conference on Information Systems, European Conference on Information System, International Conference on Information System) for research papers on the maintenance of smart energy grids, AI in human resources, sharing economy, trust in e-commerce recommendation services, social robots, hate comments in social media, social media channel choice and social stock trading.

Professors in the Department of Information Systems
From left to right: Prof. Dr Daniel Beverungen, Prof. Dr Dennis Kundisch, Prof. Dr Oliver Müller, Prof. Dr Guido Schryen, Prof. Dr Matthias Trier (Photo: University of Paderborn, Besim Mazhiqi)
