Lead­er­ship les­sons from pro­fes­sion­al foot­ball - A Q&A with Uwe Hüne­mei­er

Location: Raum Q1.101, Universität Paderborn
Organizer: Lehrstuhl für Organizational Behavior

The Chair of Organizational Behavior is pleased to invite Uwe Hünemeier, co-coach and former captain of SC Paderborn 07, to a Q&A at Paderborn University.

Under the motto "From the dressing room to the lecture hall: Leadership lessons from professional soccer", the event offers a unique opportunity to gain personal insights into Hünemeier's career as a leadership player and co-coach.

Learn how Hünemeier motivates his team after defeats, integrates young players into the team structure or successfully manages diversity within his team. Learn how to effectively transfer leadership principles from professional sport to the business world.

The visit is part of the Organizational Behavior seminar by Prof. Dr. Kirsten Thommes. We cordially invite all interested parties to take part in this discussion. Please register early as places are limited.

All information about the event:

Date: 17.06.24

Time: 11:00 a.m.

Location: Room Q1.101, Paderborn University

Participation: Interested parties are cordially invited after prior registration by e-mail to miro.mehic@upb.de.