Teaching at the Chair of Marketing and Value Creation

Our teach­ing pro­file

Our teaching focusses on the question of how marketing can create added value for customers, companies and society. Our courses cover the essential basics of marketing (e.g. the lecture Consumer Behaviour) and also address innovative and current topics in marketing (e.g. the seminar Sustainable Marketing). Our teaching programme is complemented by methodological courses. The overarching aim of our teaching is to enable students to apply the concepts and methods they have learnt independently and reflectively in order to make well-founded and better management decisions in the future.
Our teaching concept aims to provide practice-relevant and research-based teaching that enables students to apply quantitative methods and promotes continuous learning. The practical relevance of our teaching content is reflected, among other things, in the use of case studies and regular guest lectures in which practice partners report on current topics from their day-to-day business. In addition, we regularly carry out practical projects in co-operation with company partners. Our teaching is also characterised by a strong focus on research. In our courses, we want to arouse interest and enthusiasm for scientific work in our students. To this end, we regularly discuss our own and others' research work in our courses. The quantitative orientation of our teaching is particularly important to us in the Master's programme. We also introduce students to advanced multivariate analysis methods as part of the seminars and final theses. In this way, we provide them with tools to make better management decisions in times of big data availability. In order to motivate our students to continue learning, we use presentations, assignments and self-checks throughout the semester to provide students with regular feedback on their level of knowledge.

Teach­ing pro­gramme

Module name Semester ECTS Language Person responsible
W3161 Konsumentenverhalten SS 10 GER Prof. Dr. Eva Böhm
W11021 Marketing (as part of the module "Management") WS 5 GER

Prof. Dr. Eva Böhm

W3162 Grundlagen der Marketingforschung WS 10 GER Prof. Dr. Eva Böhm
Module name Semester ECTS Language Person responsible
W5171 Sustainable Marketing SS 5 GER Prof. Dr. Eva Böhm
W5172 Business-to-Business Marketing WS 10 GER

Prof. Dr. Eva Böhm

Fi­nal theses

At the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, the assignment of theses (Bachelor's theses, Master's theses) is organised via a central web-based registration procedure.

Registration for theses in the summer semester 2024 is possible from 22 January 2024 until 2 February 2024.


Bachelor's theses at the Chair of Marketing and Value Creation are supervised in seminar style, i.e. all candidates work on a common overall topic within which they are given their own research question. A short description of this year's main topic can be found in our PANDA course Theses SS at the Chair of Marketing and Value Creation (https://panda.uni-paderborn.de/course/view.php?id=51381). The enrolment code is: AA_MVC_SS24.
Your application should include the following application documents, summarised in one PDF:

- Letter of motivation
- CV
- Overview of grades

In the letter of motivation, you explain why you would like to write your Bachelor's thesis in the field of marketing and what interests you about the advertised topic. The letter of motivation should not exceed one page.

We provide different topic suggestions for Master's theses each semester. You can find a brief description of the suggested topics and introductory literature in our PANDA course Theses SS at the Chair of Marketing and Value Creation (https://panda.uni-paderborn.de/course/view.php?id=51381). The enrolment code is: AA_MVC_SS24.
Your application should include the following application documents, summarised in one PDF:

- Exposé
- CV
- Overview of grades

The exposé describes your potential research project and comprises a maximum of three pages including bibliography. You should explain the relevance of your possible topic, give a brief overview of the current state of research, formulate your research questions and outline ideas for the methodological approach. To prepare your exposé, please refer to relevant, current specialist literature that goes beyond the introductory literature provided. You can specify up to three preferred topics in your application, but only ever write an exposé on your most favoured topic.

News WS 2024/25

Bachelor's theses at the Chair of Marketing and Value Creation are supervised in seminar style , i.e. all candidates work on a common overall topic within which they are given their own research question.

A brief description of this year's main topic can be found in our PANDA course Theses at the Chair of Marketing and Value Creation(https://panda.uni-paderborn.de/course/view.php?id=56312).

The enrolment code is: AA_MVC_WS2425

We provide different topic suggestions for Master's theses each semester. You can find a brief description of the suggested topics and introductory literature in our PANDA course Theses at the Chair of Marketing and Value Creation(https://panda.uni-paderborn.de/course/view.php?id=56312).

The enrolment code is: AA_MVC_WS2425

You can onlysuggest your own topics for Master's theses. The prerequisite for this is that the proposed topics match the research focus of the chair and deal with a scientifically relevant issue. To ensure this, your own topic suggestions should be agreed in advance. Please contact a potential supervisor at the professorship in good time.

Re­gis­ter­ing the thes­is

Once the topic has been assigned, the thesis must be registered promptly.

For Bachelor's theses, the registration deadline for all Bachelor's candidates is set centrally by the professorship. As a rule, the deadline is within the first month of the respective semester (April or October).

Registration for the final thesis takes place via a web-based application procedure in PAUL. As part of this procedure, you can apply online to register your thesis. You then submit the registration form to your supervisor for signature.

Once the topic has been assigned, the thesis must be registered promptly.

Master's theses must also be registered within the first four weeks of a semester - as long as there are no relevant reasons for not doing so (e.g. semester abroad, internship). Please clarify any later registration in advance.

You can register for your thesis via a web-based application procedure in PAUL. As part of this procedure, you can apply online to register your thesis. You then submit the registration form to your supervisor for signature.

Qual­i­fied par­ti­cip­a­tion

In some Master's degree programmes, qualified participation (so-called coursework) is required in addition to writing the final thesis. This applies to the M.Sc. in Business Administration and M.Sc. in Management programmes. The coursework must be agreed individually with the supervisor and is registered when registering for the Master's thesis. You can find a form for agreeing the coursework as part of the thesis here.

Students in lecture hall G at Paderborn University.


Studierende eines wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiengangs an der Universität Paderborn haben grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit, sich andernorts erworbene Prüfungsleistungen beispielsweise einer anderen Hochschule oder im Ausland für im Paderborner Studiengang angebotene Module anerkennen zu lassen.

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