Research at the Chair of Organisational Behaviour
Our research generally aims to understand the behaviour of employees in organisations and to assess the effects of organisational characteristics or measures on employee behaviour.
In the spirit of evidence-based management, we want to help decision-makers in companies to find better solutions to organisational problems.
On this basis, in addition to mainly university research projects, we also pursue numerous projects with practitioners. Our projects can be roughly divided into the topics of teamwork, organisational identity and human-machine interaction.
Current research projects
Completed projects
As part of the Orient project, we researched the introduction of new technologies and the learning of new skills ("orientation") for the effective use of technologies in the sense of co-creation in the field of care as part of a large research consortium. In particular, the focus was on the use of care robots. While collaboration with stakeholders from the care sector took place repeatedly within the research project, we did not work with permanent partners from practice in this project.
The DFG-funded project is mainly concerned with the search for the specific building blocks of organisational identity and is both qualitatively and quantitatively empirically oriented. The project takes place in co-operation with the companies from the business clusters in the Black Forest and in Glashütte.
Die Wirkungen des Outsourcings von Personalfunktionen - ein Überblick über Aussagen verschiedener theoretischer Ansätze
D. Alewell, K. Bähring, K. Thommes, Jena: Sonderforschungsbereich (2005).
Institutional structures of the flexible assignment of personnel between enterprises. An economic comparison of temporary agency work, interim management and consulting
D. Alewell, K. Bähring, K. Thommes, Management Revue 16 (2005) 475--493.
Determinanten der Nachfrage nach Personaldienstleistungen durch Unternehmen - Überlegungen zur "strukturellen Stimmigkeit" der Personalarbeit
D. Alewell, K. Bähring, A. Canis, K. Thommes, in: T. Spengler, H. Lindstädt (Eds.), Strukturelle Stimmigkeit in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Rainer Hampp, 2005, pp. 169--192.
Incentives to invest in the human capital of temporary agency workers
S. Schmidt, K. Thommes, German Journal of Human Resource Management (2007) 232--251.
Outsourcing HR functions. Development of an explanatory approach to firms'(non-existent) demand for personnel services
D. Alewell, K. Bähring, A. Canis, S. Hauff, K. Thommes, Management Revue 18 (2007) 271--292.
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