Our practice

Co­oper­a­tion op­por­tun­it­ies

Below we provide an overview of possible areas of cooperation. Are you interested in a co-operation? Then get in touch with us with your ideas and concepts (marketing-vc(at)wiwi.uni-paderborn(dot)de).

  • Research co-operations: Would you like to research new topics together with us and develop well-founded solutions for current marketing problems? Then contribute your knowledge, your topics and your data to our research projects.
  • Practical projects: Would you like to conduct marketing research together with highly motivated and well-trained students using your company as an example? Then get involved in one of our practical seminars, where students work in groups on current practical problems using scientific approaches and methods.
  • Guest lectures: Would you like to pass on your knowledge to students? Then we cordially invite you to give a guest lecture at one of our events. Examples of guest lectures from previous semesters can be found below.
  • Master's theses: Do you have a specific question, but no time for a scientific analysis of the topic? Then individual students could dedicate themselves to your topic as part of their Master's thesis.
  • Recruiting: Would you like to advertise job offers to our students? We will be happy to publish your calls for proposals on our homepage and distribute them directly to our course participants via our learning platform.

Guest lec­tures

On this page you will find an overview of the guest lectures from previous semesters. Would you like to give a guest lecture at one of our events? Then contact us and get in touch with your ideas (marketing-vc(at)wiwi.uni-paderborn(dot)de).


Title of the guest lecture



Dr. Markus Husemann-Kopetzky
(Sales Management Institute)

Behavioural pricing in e-commerce


Tue, 23.06.23, 09:15-10:45, Q0.101

Vanessa Schäfers
(Wortmann Schuh-Holding)

Marketing measures in the course of time


Tue, 04.07.23, 11:15-12:45, H2


Title of the guest lecture

Event date


Dr Tabea Tesch
(Brand Marketing Specialist D/A/CH at Royal Canin (Mars Inc.))

Online product tester programmes - insights into how they work and their added value for market research and marketing Basics of marketing research

Tue, 21.11.23, 14:15-16:45, H2

Dr Anna Gehring (Consultant , UNITY AG)

Customer Success Management in B2B companies

Business-to-Business Marketing

Thu, 07.12.23, 11:15-12:45, H3