PRIME - Paderborn Research Colloquium on Information Management & Engineering

Im Rahmen des Forschungsseminars PRIME werden vom Department Wirtschaftsinformatik führende Forscherpersönlichkeiten sowie vielversprechende Nachwuchsforscher*innen der Wirtschaftsinformatik an die Universität Paderborn eingeladen.

PRI­ME: Prof. Dr. Su­san­ne Strahrin­ger, Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Dres­den "Mul­ti­ple Mi­ni Case Stu­dies – Con­dem­ned to be Mar­gi­nal?"

Abstract: Case study research is among the most used research methods in the Information Systems discipline. Over the last years, an increasing number of publications use case studies with only few sources of evidence, such as single interviews per case. While there is a lot of methodological guidance on how to rigorously conduct multiple case studies, it remains unclear how researchers may achieve an acceptable level of rigor for this emerging…

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Abstract Computer-assisted methods and tools can help researchers automate the coding process within literature reviews and accelerate the literature review process. However, existing approaches for coding textual data do not account for lexical ambiguity; that is, instances in which individual words have multiple meanings. To counter this, we developed a method to conduct rapid and comprehensive analyses of diverse literature types. Our method…

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Abstract The notion of digital ecosystems has become a fruitful metaphor for examining the effects of digitalization across boundaries of organization, industry, lifeworld, mind, and body. In business-economic terms, the metaphor has inspired IS research into new business models, while in engineering terms, it has led to important insights into the design and governance of digital platforms. More recently, a third take is approaching digital…

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Abstract:  Artificial intelligence (AI) surpasses human performance in some areas, and it is expected to rationalize an entire series of professions. At the same time, the applications where AI outperforms humans are very task specific and AI lacks currently to realize general intelligence that goes beyond performing individual tasks. Diverse capabilities call for a partnership between AI and staff instead of a substituting human labour with this…

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Abstract: Mental disorders in young adulthood are a major public health concern. Digital tools such as chatbots reflect a promising technology to facilitate mental health assessment. However, the human-like interaction style of chatbots may induce potential biases, such as social desirable responding (SDR), and may further require more effort to complete assessments. The study aimed to investigate i) the convergent and discriminant validity of…

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