Aus­ge­wähl­te Pu­bli­ka­ti­o­nen des De­part­ments Wirt­schafts­in­for­ma­tik

„Nastjuk, I., Trang, S., Grummeck-Braamt, J., Adam, M., Tarafdar, M. (2024): Integrating and Synthesizing Technostress Research: A Meta-Analysis on Technostress Creators, Outcomes, and Usage Contexts, European Journal of Information Systems, 33(3), 361-382.

Trang, S.; Krämer, T.; Trenz, M.; Weiger, W. (2024): Further Down the Rabbit Hole – How Technology Conspiracy Beliefs Emerge and Foster a Conspiracy Mindset, Information Systems Research (forthcoming)

Bartelheimer, C.; zur Heiden, P.; Berendes, C.I.; Beverungen, D. (2023). Designing Digital Actor Engagement Platforms for Local High Streets: An Action Design Research Study. European Journal of Information Systems, 1-34.

Hopf, K., Müller, O., Shollo, A., Thiess, T. (2023): Organizational Implementation of AI: Craft and Mechanical Work. California Management Review, 66(1), 23-47.

Neumann, J., Gutt, D., Kundisch, D. Reviewing from a Distance (2023): Uncovering Asymmetric Moderations of Spatial and Temporal Distances Between Sentiment Negativity and Rating. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 47(4).

Schryen, G., & Sperling, M. (2023). Literature reviews in operations research: A new taxonomy and a meta review. Computers & Operations Research, Volume 157, Article 106269.

Dieter, P., Caron, M., Schryen, G., Integrating driver behavior into last-mile delivery routing: Combining machine learning and optimization in a hybrid decision support framework (2023), European Journal of Operational Research, 311 (1), 283-300.

Bartelheimer, C.; Wolf, V.; Beverungen, D. (2023). Workarounds as Generative Mechanisms for Bottom-Up Process Innovation—Insights from a Multiple Case Study. Information Systems Journal, 33(5), 1085-1150.

Krämer, T., Weiger, W., Trang, S., Trenz, M. (2023): Deflected by the Tin Foil Hat? Word-of-Mouth, Conspiracy Beliefs, and the Adoption of Public Health Apps. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 40(2), 154-174.

Trier, M., Kundisch, D., Beverungen, D., Müller, O., Schryen, G., Mirbabaie, M., Trang, S. (2023): Digital Responsibility: A Multilevel Framework for Responsible Digitalization. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 65(4), 463-474.

Shollo, A., Hopf, K., Thiess, T., Müller, O. (2022). Shifting ML value creation mechanisms: A process model of ML value creation. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 31(3), Article 101734.

Constantiou, I., Mukkamala, A., Sjöklint, M., & Trier, M. (2022). Engaging with self-tracking applications: how do users respond to their performance data? European Journal of Information Systems, 32(6), 941-961.

Müller, M., Neumann, J., Kundisch, D., (2022). Peer-To-Peer Rentals, Regulatory Policies, And Hosts’ Cost Pass-Throughs. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39 (3), 834-864.

Sperling, M, Schryen, G. (2022), Decision Support for Disaster Relief: Coordinating Spontaneous Volunteers, European Journal of Operational Research, 299(2), 690-705.
Beverungen, D., Kundisch, D., Wünderlich, N. (2021), Transforming into a Platform Provider: Strategic Options for Industrial Smart Service Providers, Journal of Service Management, 32(4), 507-532.
Prester, J., Wagner, G., Schryen, G., Hassan, N. R. (2021): Classifying the ideational impact of information systems review articles: A content-enriched deep learning approach. Decision Support Systems, 140, 113432.
Wagner, G., Prester, J., Roche, M., Schryen, G., Benlian, A., Paré, G., Templier, M. (2021), Which Factors Affect the Scientific Impact of Review Papers in IS Research? A Scientometric Study, Information & Management, 58(3), Article 103427.
Bohn, N., Kundisch, D. (2020), What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Technology Pivots? – A Delphi Study, Information & Management, 57(6), Article 103319.
Schryen, G. (2020): Parallel computational optimization in operations research: A new integrative framework, literature review and research directions. European Journal of Operational Research, 287(1), 1-18.
Mandrella, M.; Trang, S., Kolbe, L. M. (2020): Synthesizing and Integrating Research on IT-Based Value Co-Creation: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 21(2), 388-427.
Khan, G., Mohaisen, M., & Trier, M. (2020). The network ROI: Concept, metrics, and measurement of social media returns (a Facebook experiment). Internet Research, 30(2), 631-652.
Schmiedel, T., Müller, O., & Vom Brocke, J. (2019). Topic modeling as a strategy of inquiry in organizational research: A tutorial with an application example on organizational culture. Organizational Research Methods, 22(4), 941-968
Beverungen, D., Breidbach, C.F., Poeppelbuss, J., Tuunainen, V.K. (2019). Smart service systems: An interdisciplinary perspective. Information Systems Journal, 29(6), 1201–1206.
Beverungen, D., Müller, O., Matzner, M., Mendling, J., vom Brocke, J. (2019). Conceptualizing Smart Service Systems. Electronic Markets, 29(1), 7–18.
Khan, G. F., & Trier, M. (2019). Assessing the long-term fragmentation of information systems research with a longitudinal multi-network analysis. European Journal of Information Systems, 28(4), 370-393
Gutt, D., Neumann, J., Zimmermann, S., Kundisch, D., Chen, J. (2019), Design of Review Systems – A Strategic Instrument to shape Online Reviewing Behavior and Economic Outcomes, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(2), 104-117.
Müller, O., Fay, M., Vom Brocke, J. (2018). The effect of big data and analytics on firm performance: An econometric analysis considering industry characteristics. Journal of Management Information Systems, 35(2), 488-509.
Zimmermann, S., Herrmann, P., Kundisch, D. Nault, B. (2018). Decomposing the Variance of Consumer Ratings and the Impact on Price and Demand. Information Systems Research, 29 (4), 984-1002.
Herrmann, P., Kundisch, D., Rahman, M. (2015), Beating Irrationality: Does Delegating to IT Alleviate the Sunk Cost Effect?, Management Science, 61(4), 831-850.


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