We support decision makers in managing transformation.

We live in a world full of change. The need to adapt in terms of sustainability, digitalisation and diversity poses challenges for companies and organisations. We want to prepare our students for dealing with these challenges. In our research, we want to help shape these changes.



Wir stel­len ein!

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Stu­dentische/Wis­senschaft­liche Hil­f­skraft ge­sucht!

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Neues Pa­per bei der World Con­fer­ence on eX­plain­able Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence

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Fi­nal Pitch Event for In­ter­na­tion­al Com­par­at­ive Man­age­ment Course

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Neues Pa­per bei der In­ter­na­tionalen Kon­fer­enz für Hu­man-Com­puter-In­ter­ac­tion

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Freie Stel­le für Wis­­sen­­schaft­­li­che*r Mit­­a­r­­bei­ter­*in zum 01.09.2024

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Be­w­er­bun­gen für Ab­schlus­sarbeiten sind ab so­fort mög­lich

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Be­w­er­bun­gen für Ab­schlus­sarbeiten sind ab so­fort mög­lich

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Im­pres­sions from the Q&A with Uwe Hüne­mei­er

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The­­men für Ba­che­lor- und Mas­ter­­a­r­bei­ten ver­­öf­fent­­licht

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The­­men für Ba­che­lor- und Mas­ter­­a­r­bei­ten ver­­öf­fent­­licht

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Werde Teil des Teams als SHK/WHB im ad­min­is­trat­iven Bereich!

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In their research, the chairs share a common economic perspective and empirical methodology as well as the goal of publishing important research results in international journals.

Re­search pro­jects

We are involved in large basic research-oriented third-party funded projects such as TRR 318 "Constructing Explainability" as well as in projects in which new findings are developed together with companies. Examples include projects of the leading-edge cluster "it's OWL" or the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn.


Our research results are published in numerous publications. Our database offers you a comprehensive overview.

Sem­in­ar in Eco­nom­ics and Man­age­ment (SEAM)

Guest researchers will present their current research. Following the presentation, participants can exchange their ideas in the research café. From current trends to the challenges of tomorrow - the seminar brings experts together to deepen their insights and explore synergies.

Prüfungsraum mit Computerbildschirmen.

Busi­ness and Eco­nom­ic Re­search Labor­at­ory (BaER-Lab)

Visit us in our experimental laboratory for research into economic issues. With its 35 computer workstations and a database of around 2700 test subjects, the BaER-Lab is one of the largest economic experimental laboratories in the German-speaking world.

To the laboratory

Sci­entif­ic ca­reer

Become part of our team and take the opportunity to develop personally and work on exciting research projects. The Paderborn-Cologne-BiBB Trilateral Doctoral Candidate Seminar brings together doctoral candidates from three locations in Germany to exchange ideas.

Job advertisements

Studies & Teaching

We contribute our expertise to courses across all degree programmes in the Faculty. In particular, we shape degree programmes that we coordinate within the department itself. Values issues are also discussed with students in the "Business Ethics" cooperation area in collaboration with other faculties. Interdisciplinarity and evidence-based research are important to us. The new global challenges raise questions that quickly reach the limits of knowledge and expertise and call for agile scrutiny based on data. We impart these findings and important management tools in our teaching at all levels, right up to the doctoral candidate course we offer jointly. In short: We support decision makers in managing transformation..

B. Sc. International Business Studies

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M. Sc. International Business Studies

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B. Sc. Sportökonomie

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Building G of Paderborn University.

M. Sc. Management

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Employees of Paderborn University in lecture hall G.

Anteilsfach Management im Zwei-Fach-Bachelor

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Anteilsfach Management im Zwei-Fach-Master

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Fi­nal theses

All chairs in the department take part in the centralised allocation procedure of the faculty. If you would like to write your thesis with a chair in the department, please indicate this preference in the allocation procedure. Please note that some chairs are very popular and it is therefore not always possible to be supervised according to your preferences. We therefore recommend that you always indicate several preferences. Please check the websites of your preferred chairs to find out which application documents are required (e.g. letter of motivation, academic exposé, CV, overview of grades).

De­part­ment spokes­per­son

Prof. Dr. Lena Steinhoff

Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Marketing und Digital Transformation

Room Q3.349
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Office hours

Nach Vereinbarung.