New pa­per at the In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Hu­man-Com­puter In­ter­ac­tion

Our colleague Jörg Papenkordt attended the 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Washington D.C. this week. This year's conference brought together over 2,000 scientists from 69 countries who presented their latest findings from various fields of human-computer interaction.

Jörg presented his paper "Navigating Transparency: The Influence of On-demand Explanations on Non-expert User Interaction with AI" in the session "Explainable AI, Understandability and Trustworthiness". The paper is part of the Arbeitswelt.Plus competence centre.

Jörg Papenkordt. "Navigating Transparency: The Influence of On-demand Explanations on Non-expert User Interaction with AI". In: Artificial Intelligence in HCI, pp 238-263 , Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024.

You can find the paper here.