Man­age­ment meets pro­fes­sion­al foot­ball - the Cap­stone course in sum­mer semester 2025 in co­oper­a­tion with SC Pader­born 07

Management meets professional football - the capstone course in summer semester 2025!

Do you want to finally apply your knowledge from the Master's in Management in practice - and in an exciting, real-life environment? Then secure a place on the Capstone Course in the summer semester 2025!

This term we are working together with SC Paderborn 07!

As a professional football club, SCP poses exciting strategic challenges: How to win new fans? How can the culture ticket be utilised? And how can merchandising be optimally marketed? These and other questions could be the focus of your analyses.

Under the direction of Prof Dr Kirsten Thommes and Prof Dr Martin Schneider, you will work together in multi-skilled teams to solve current SCP issues, develop suitable proposals for action in a research-oriented manner and present your results directly to SCP representatives.

The Capstone Course is an integral part of the Management Master's programme and prepares you optimally for your career entry - with a unique opportunity to help shape real business processes in the world of professional sport.

Summer semester 2025 - be part of it!


Find out more about past projects:

Click here for the module description: