
PRI­ME: Prof. Dr. Sam Rams­bo­thom, Bo­s­ton Col­lege, Car­roll School of Ma­nage­ment "Elec­tro­nic Trace Da­ta and Le­gal Out­co­mes: The Ef­fect of Elec­tro­nic Me­di­cal Re­cords on Mal­prac­ti­ce Claim Re­so­lu­ti­on Time"

Dr. Ransbotham’s research interests include IT security, social media and the strategic use of IT. In 2014, he was awarded an NSF CAREER Award for his analytics-based research in security. He was recently named the guest editor for MIT's Sloan Management Review, Data and Analytics initiative. His recent research appeared in Marketing Science, Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research and the INFORMS Journal on Computing. Dr. Ransbotham was also awarded one of eleven inaugural Google and WPP Marketing Awards to support research into how online media influences consumer behavior, attitudes, and decision making.

In his talk, Dr, Ransbothom presented interesting findings in the context of his current research focus investigating how electronic medical records influence the malpractice claim resolution time and how electronic trace data can be used in legal decisions.