
PRI­ME: Prof. Dr. Chris­ti­a­ne Leh­rer, Co­pen­ha­gen Busi­ness School "Why Users Com­p­ly with Wea­ra­bles: The Ro­le of Con­tex­tu­al Self-Ef­fi­ca­cy in Be­ha­vi­oral Change"

Prof. Dr. Christiane Lehrer is Assistant Professor at the Department of Digitalization, Copenhagen Business School. She holds a PhD in Information Systems from the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich. After her PhD, she gained 3 years of industry experience as a strategy and M&A manager in a large telecommunications company. Before joining CBS, Christiane was Assistant Professor and Head of Competence Center Digital Service Innovation at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Christiane's research specialization concerns 1) data-driven innovation and change, and 2) user behavior. She studies how organizations can use data analytics for the successful innovation of products and services. At the same time, she investigates how users interact with digital technologies and how this can lead to behavioral changes.

Her work has appeared, among others, in highly regarded journals such as Journal of Management Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, and Electronic Markets and has been presented at leading conferences such as the International Conference on Information Systems. Christiane is Associate Editor of Electronic Markets and has performed track chair duties for multiple international conferences.