Ak­tu­el­le Nach­rich­ten

Si­mon Hoof pu­blis­hed the pa­per "Dy­na­mic Mo­no­po­li­stic Com­pe­ti­ti­on"

Simon Hoof published the paper "Dynamic Monopolistic Competition" in the Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-021-01843-w).

I study a dynamic variant of the Dixit–Stiglitz (Am Econ Rev 67(3), 1977) model of monopolistic competition by introducing price stickiness à la Fershtman and Kamien (Econometrica 55(5), 1987). The analysis is restricted to bounded quantity and price paths that fulfill the necessary conditions for an open-loop Nash equilibrium. I show that there exists a symmetric steady state and that its stability depends on the degree of product differentiation. When moving from complements to perfect substitutes, the steady state is either a locally asymptotically unstable (spiral) source, a stable (spiral) sink or a saddle point. I further apply the Hopf bifurcation theorem and prove the existence of limit cycles, when passing from a stable to an unstable steady state. Lastly, I provide a numerical example and show that there exists a stable limit cycle.