„Our aim is to equip national and international students for the economic challenges and to publish our research findings in international journals.”

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gries,
Department spokesperson

Re­search pro­jects

The members of the department contribute their expertise to larger research networks as well as to work on relevant, more specific issues. Our collaborations transcend faculty and university boundaries.


Within the department, we create a lively scientific exchange through joint research projects or cross-chair semi
exchange - a good basis for publishing our results in high-ranking journals.

Re­search fo­cus

Our research focuses on four main topics: Globalisation and Global Markets, Cooperation and Competition, Data Science in Economics, Sustainable and Inclusive Development.

Mitarbeitende präsentiert Tafelbild.

Re­search Centre Cen­ter for In­ter­na­tion­al Eco­nom­ics (CIE)

The CIE stands for independent and well-founded economic research of high quality and political relevance. With their research topics, the academics cover a broad spectrum of economic and international economic issues, both at the macro and micro level.

to the research centre

Sci­entif­ic ca­reer

Become part of our team and take the opportunity to develop personally and work on exciting research projects.

Job advertisements
Employees of Paderborn University in lecture hall G.

Study and teaching program at the Department Economics

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M. Sc. International Economics and Management

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