A note on evolutionary stability of Bertrand equilibrium
B. Hehenkamp, W. Leininger, Journal of Evolutionary Economics 9 (1999) 367–371.
Economic natural selection in Bertrand and Cournot settings
B. Hehenkamp, C.-Z. Qin, C. Stuart, Journal of Evolutionary Economics 9 (1999) 211–224.
Sluggish Consumers: An Evolutionary Solution to the Bertrand Paradox
B. Hehenkamp, Games and Economic Behavior 40 (2002) 44–76.
Equilibrium Selection in the Two-Population KMR Model
B. Hehenkamp, International Game Theory Review 05 (2003) 249–262.
Evolutionary equilibrium in Tullock contests: spite and overdissipation
B. Hehenkamp, W. Leininger, A. Possajennikov, European Journal of Political Economy 20 (2004) 1045–1057.
The strategic advantage of interdependent preferences in rent-seeking contests
T. Guse, B. Hehenkamp, Public Choice 129 (2006) 323–352.
When Should the Talented Receive Weaker Incentives? Peer Pressure in Teams
B. Hehenkamp, O. Kaarboe, FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis 62 (2006) 124–148.
Die Grundlagen der Mechanismus-Design-Theorie
B. Hehenkamp, Wirtschaftsdienst 87 (2007) 768–772.
Imitators and optimizers in a changing environment
B. Hehenkamp, O.M. Kaarbøe, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32 (2008) 1357–1380.
Survival at the center—the stability of minimum differentiation
B. Hehenkamp, A. Wambach, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2010) 853--858.
On the equivalence of Nash and evolutionary equilibrium in finite populations
B. Hehenkamp, A. Possajennikov, T. Guse, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 73 (2010) 254–258.
Strategic Unemployment
J. Angerhausen, C. Bayer, B. Hehenkamp, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) 166 (2010) 439–461.
Paying for Performance in Hospitals
B. Hehenkamp, O. Kaarboe, Economic Analysis and Policy 41 (2011) 49–70.
Too Much of a Good Thing? Welfare Consequences of Market Transparency
Y. Gu, B. Hehenkamp, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics JITE 170 (2014) 225–248.
Collective action and the common enemy effect
K. De Jaegher, B. Hoyer, Defence and Peace Economics 27 (2014) 644–664.
Economics of Corruption and Crime: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Behavioral Ethics
E. Dimant, Economics of Corruption and Crime: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Behavioral Ethics, Universität Paderborn, 2016.
Strategic Network Disruption and Defense
B. Hoyer, K. De Jaegher, Journal of Public Economic Theory 18 (2016) 802–830.
By-product mutualism and the ambiguous effects of harsher environments – A game-theoretic model
K. De Jaegher, B. Hoyer, Journal of Theoretical Biology 393 (2016) 82–97.
The effects of competition on medical service provision
J. Brosig-Koch, B. Hehenkamp, J. Kokot, Health Economics 26 (2017) 6–20.
Corruption in the health care sector : the influence of bribery and relative reciprocity on a physician's prescription decision
V. Hilleringmann, Corruption in the Health Care Sector : The Influence of Bribery and Relative Reciprocity on a Physician’s Prescription Decision, 2018.
Essays on Competition in Health Care Markets
X. Wu, Essays on Competition in Health Care Markets, Universität Paderborn, 2018.
Determinants of Equilibrium Selection in Network Formation - An Experiment
B. Hoyer, S. Rosenkranz, Games 9 (2018).
Preemptive Repression: Deterrence, Backfiring, Iron Fists and Velvet Gloves
K. De Jaegher, B. Hoyer, Journal of Conflict Resolution 63 (2018) 502--527.
Price competition and the Bertrand model: The paradox of the German mobile discount market
D. Kaimann, B. Hoyer, Applied Economics Letters 26 (2019) 54–57.
The Common Enemy Effect under Strategic Network Formation and Disruption
B. Hoyer, H. Haller, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 162 (2019) 146–163.
Network Formation and Disruption - An Experiment: Are equilibrium networks too complex?
A.E. Endres, S. Recker, B. Mir Djawadi, B. Hoyer, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 157 (2019) 708–734.
Evolutionary equilibrium in contests with stochastic participation: Entry, effort and overdissipation
Y. Gu, B. Hehenkamp, W. Leininger, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2019) 469–485.
Essays on the Theory of Industrial Organization: Credence Goods, Vertical Relations and Product Bundling
J. Heinzel, Essays on the Theory of Industrial Organization: Credence Goods, Vertical Relations and Product Bundling, Universität Paderborn, 2020.
Gender, competitiveness, and task difficulty: Evidence from the field
B. Hoyer, T. van Huizen, L. Keijzer, S. Rezaei, S. Rosenkranz, B. Westbrock, Labour Economics (2020).
Matching Strategies of Heterogeneous Agents under Incomplete Information in a University Clearinghouse
B. Hoyer, N. Stroh-Maraun, Games and Economic Behavior 121 (2020) 453–481.
Location Choice and Quality Competition in Mixed Hospital Markets
B. Hehenkamp, O.M. Kaarbøe, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 177 (n.d.) 641–660.
Anonymity and Self-Expression in Online Rating Systems - An Experimental Analysis
B. Hoyer, D. van Straaten, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 98 (2022) 101869.
Network Disruption and the Common-Enemy Effect
B. Hoyer, K. De Jaegher, International Journal of Game Theory (2022).
Essays on Industrial Organization and Networks: Retail Bundling, Exclusive Dealing, and Network Disruption
A.E. Endres-Fröhlich, Essays on Industrial Organization and Networks: Retail Bundling, Exclusive Dealing, and Network Disruption, 2022.
An IAD framework analysis of minigrid institutions for sustainable rural electrification in East Africa: A comparative study of Uganda and Tanzania
L.D. Namujju, H. Acquah-Swanzy, I.F. Ngoti, Energy Policy 182 (2023).
Who benefits from quality competition in health care? A theory and a laboratory experiment on the relevance of patient characteristics
J. Brosig-Koch, B. Hehenkamp, J. Kokot, Health Economics (2023).
Smart Metering and Choice Architecture in Demand-Side Management: A Power Resource-Constrained Perspective
L.D. Namujju, I. Mwammenywa, G.M. Kagarura, U. Hilleringmann, B. Hehenkamp, in: 2024 IEEE 8th Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), IEEE, 2024.
Smart Metering and Choice Architecture in Demand-Side Management: A Power Resource-Constrained Perspective
L.D. Namujju, I. Mwammenywa, G.M. Kagarura, U. Hilleringmann, B. Hehenkamp, in: 2024 IEEE 8th Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), IEEE, 2024.
Institutional arrangements and sustainable maintenance management of community-based mini-grids in Tanzania
I.F. Ngoti, Energy Research & Social Science 115 (2024).
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