Start of the cent­ral al­loc­a­tion pro­ced­ure for theses in winter term 2024/25

The central allocation procedure for writing a final theses in the coming winter term at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, will be open for applications starting Monday, 24th of June 2024. The deadline for applications is the 5th­­ of July. Further information can be found here.

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Start of the cent­ral al­loc­a­tion pro­ced­ure for theses in sum­mer term 2024

The central allocation procedure for writing a final theses in the coming summer term at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, will be open for applications starting Monday, 22nd of January 2024. The deadline for applications is the 2nd­­ of February. For theses you can now apply separately to the Chair of Institutional Economics and Economic Policy. Further information can be found here.

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In the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at the Chair of Institutional Economics and Economic Policy a position as Student Assistant (f/m/d) or Research Assistant (f/m/d) with Bachelor’s degree (SHK or WHB depending on personal qualification) in the scope of 9.5 hours per week for the project A:RT-D Grids (Africa: Research and Teaching for Development Grids) at the next possible date. This is a temporary employment until 31st of…

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The central allocation procedure for writing a final theses in the coming winter term at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, will be open for applications starting Monday, 19th of June 2023. The deadline for applications is the 30th­­ of June. For theses you can now apply separately to the Chair of Institutional Economics and Economic Policy. Further information can be found here.

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The Faculty of Economics is looking for several tutors for the tutorials Microeconomics in summer term 2023 as Student Assistants (SHK) or Research Assistants with Bachelor's degree (WHB) (depending on personal requirements) for a limited period of 3 months with a working time of 8 to 9.5 hours per week. The job includes tutoring as well as coaching activities to deepen the lecture contents. Detailed information can be found here.

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Fakultätsforschungsworkshop 2022 für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs der Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Gruppenfoto

Der regelmäßig von der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Paderborn veranstaltete Fakultätsforschungsworkshop fand vom 26. bis 28. September in Melle statt. Es war das erste Mal nach der Corona-Pandemie, dass die Forscher*innen ihren Workshop wieder außer Haus und in Präsenz durchführen konnten. Die nun schon seit vielen Jahren durchgeführte Veranstaltung fördert den Austausch über Forschungsarbeiten innerhalb der gesamten…

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Teach­ing Winter Term 2022/23

In Winter Term 2022/23 the following range of courses is offered: W2495: Industrieökonomik (Lecture, Bachelor) W2492: Informationsökonomik (Lecture, Bachelor) W4498: Contests and Innovation (Lecture, Master) W4492: Health Economics - An International and Institutional Perspective (Seminar, Master) More details on the offered courses in Winter Term 2022/23 can be accessed here.

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The central allocation procedure for writing a final theses in the coming summer term at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, will be open for applications starting Monday, 23rd of January 2023.

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Wir gratulieren ganz herzlich Angelika Endres-Fröhlich zur erfolgreich bestandenen Promotion.

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Once again and after two years of not having the workshop due to the pandemic, the possibility of exchanging information in face to face situation, gave participants a fruitful experience and highlighted the importance of such conferences for improving and developing research ideas. The 22nd European Health Economics Workshop will take place in Augsburg, next year.

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A position as Student Assistant (f/m/d) or Research Assistant (f/m/d) with a Bachelor's degree (SHK or WHB depending on personal qualifications) at the Chair of Institutional Economics and Economic Policy at the Faculty of Economics is available for 9.5 hours per week for the project A:RT-D Grids (Africa: Research and Teaching for Development Grids) from 1 September 2022. The position is initially limited to 7 months - an extension is assumed to…

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Start of the central allocation procedure for theses

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Teach­ing Sum­mer Term 2022

In Summer Term the following range of courses is offered: W1411: Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre (Lecture, Bachelor)   W2493: Wettbewerbspolitik (Lecture, Bachelor)   W2497: Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik (Lecture, Bachelor)   W4490: Topics in Competition Policy (Lecture, Master)   W499: Seminar Cases in Competition Policy (Seminar,…

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In der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften werden für die Tutorien Mikroökonomie für das Sommersemester 2022 mehrere Tutor*innen als Studentische Hilfskräfte (SHK) oder Wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte mit Bachelorabschluss (WHB)  (je nach persönlicher Voraussetzung) zur befristeten Mitarbeit, im Umfang von 9,5 Stunden pro Woche, für 3 Monate gesucht. Die ausführlichen Informationen finden Sie hier.

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The central allocation procedure for writing a final theses in the coming summer term at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, will be open for applications starting Monday, 24th of Januar 2022. The deadline for applications is the 4th of February. For theses you can now apply to the Chair of Institutional Economics and Economic Policy. Further information can be found here.

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