„Unser Ziel ist es, Persönlichkeiten zu befähigen, berufliche Bildungsprozesse zukunftsorientiert zu gestalten. Die kritische Aneignung der dafür notwendigen Fachexpertise sowie die darauf aufbauende und reflektierte Auseinandersetzung mit der beruflichen Praxis stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt.”

Prof. Dr. Karina Kiepe,

Re­search pro­jects

Our department is characterised by extensive third-party funded projects in basic research as well as application-oriented research. In addition to developing theories, design-oriented research contributes in particular to working on concrete practical problems.


Our research results are published in numerous publications. Our database offers you a comprehensive overview.

Trans­form­a­tion & Edu­ca­tion

Design-oriented vocational education research is part of the "Transformation and Education" profile area at Paderborn University. The profile area combines the previous research and development work of the Department of Business Education and Vocational Education from the cultural sciences.

cevet re­search centre

The Centre for Vocational Education and Training (cevet) pools international expertise to research issues relating to challenges in vocational education and training. The centre benefits from the different perspectives of the stakeholders on the respective problems.

to the research centre

Sci­entif­ic ca­reer

Become part of our team and take the opportunity to develop personally and work on exciting research projects.

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Study and teaching programmes in business education

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Student counselling in business education

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Building G of Paderborn University.

Final theses in business education

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