Funding line:Sustainable at work - future-oriented training (NIB)
Project duration: 01.06.2024 - 31.05.2026
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus)
About the project
The aim of the BBNELobby project is to improve the framework conditions for VET for sustainable development ( BBNE ) by anchoring it permanently in companies and institutions. The main addressees of the project are therefore decision-makers at a strategic level who have already been identified in the past as gatekeepers of BBNE and agents of change.
To this end, the project is creating so-called "lobby spaces" in the regions of Oldenburg, Bremen/Bremerhaven, Ostwestfalen-Lippe and the Bergisch city-triangle. These serve as places for dialogue and political negotiation on sustainable development, climate-friendly business and ESD and focus on the specific needs of companies.
At the same time, the concept includes the orchestration of diverse and already existing (educational) programmes so that they meet the specific needs of companies. These orchestrated programmes are tested in the lobby rooms.
What we offer
A training programme tailored to the needs of companies and the region, as well as an exchange with other companies in the region.
Further information
Further information on the BBNELobby project, our project partners and publications can be found under the following link: