Teach­ing at the Chair of Busi­ness Edu­ca­tion and Eval­u­ation Re­search

Information on our current courses can be found on the page for courses offered or in the module handbook of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.
You can register for modules and courses via PAUL. Information can be found here.
Access to the materials of the individual courses is via the Paderborn University's learning management system PANDA. Older materials are no longer available online.

Teach­ing pro­gramme

Module name Semester ECTS Language Person responsible
W2513 - Communication and Leadership SS 5 DEU

Prof. Dr Tobias Jenert
Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

W2516 - Vocational Education I: Vocational Training SS 4 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
W2517 - Vocational education II: Vocational field internship WS 3 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
W2518 - Vocational Education for Teacher Training BK SS/WS 7 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
W2518 - Vocational Education for Teacher Training BK - Vocational Field Internship (Part 2) WS 3 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
W2520 - Studies in Business and Economics for student teachers SS 4 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
W2524 - Competence Development I SS 5 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
W2525 - Competence development II: Orientation internship WS 5 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
W2531 - Fundamentals of company training work WS 5 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
Prof. Dr Tobias Jenert
W2533 - Competence Development for Teaching Qualification BK SS/WS 6 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
W2533 - Competence development for BK teaching degree - Part 2 WS 5 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
W2535 - Fundamentals of economics and theories of business education SS 11 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
Module name Semester ECTS Language Person responsible
W4522 - Media Didactics SS/WS 5 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner
W4530 - Media didactics perspectives in the didactics of economics SS/WS 5 DEU Prof. Dr Marc Beutner

Fi­nal theses

For an application to write a thesis, every student should be interested in the subject and research areas of our department and ideally be able to document this in their previous course of study. The aim of the thesis is for the student to demonstrate that they have independently and autonomously worked through a problem in a subject area by applying scientific methods within a given period of time.

Please check your respective examination regulations for the modalities for final theses in individual cases. Interested students can arrange in advance whether supervision of the thesis is possible. There is no entitlement to a topic or classification to a specialisation. The scope of a Bachelor's thesis should not exceed 40 pages (§ 24 para. 8 new PO) and that of a Master's thesis should not exceed 80 pages (§ 20 para. 8 new PO) (plus outline, bibliography, etc.). Exceeding this length is only permitted in consultation with the supervisor. The thesis must be submitted as a digital and print version! Please note that the thesis must be submitted to the responsible examination office.

We take part in the centralised allocation procedure for theses. The procedure distributes the students who wish to write a thesis fairly among the professorships. To submit an application to us, please attach an exposé. All information on the centralised allocation procedure.

Further information on writing theses at the Chair of Business Education II, Business Education and Evaluation Research of Prof Dr Marc Beutner can be found here: Information on the preparation of theses WiPäd II (PDF).

Our study pro­grammes

Viele Personen sitzen in einem Raum.

M. Sc. Busi­ness Edu­ca­tion

Shape the vocational education of tomorrow with us - at universities, education providers, companies and NGOs. On our Master's degree programme, you will learn the basics of education management and business education and develop your individual business education profile on the research degree programme.

Personen sitzen in einer Konferenz.

M. Ed. Busi­ness Edu­ca­tion - Teach­ing Qual­i­fic­a­tion for Vo­ca­tion­al Col­leges

Do you want to train the professionals of tomorrow in economic topics? Do you want a varied field of work with very different target groups? Then become a teacher at a vocational college and learn the necessary specialist knowledge and didactic expertise with us.

M. Ed. Teach­ing Qual­i­fic­a­tion for Vo­ca­tion­al Col­leges - spe­cial­isa­tion WiWi

Do you want to accompany young people in their professional development at a commercial vocational college and explain the basics of business or the interplay of international markets to them? We provide you with the necessary specialised knowledge and didactic know-how.

Sub­ject Man­age­ment

Are you interested in the question of what responsible leadership and decision-making can look like? In combination with a cultural studies subject, we provide you with sound knowledge of corporate management, ethical orientations and methodological expertise in combination with a cultural studies subject area.

Ex­ten­sion sub­ject Eco­nom­ics for the teach­ing pro­fes­sion at gram­mar schools and com­pre­hens­ive schools

In the economics specialisation, you will learn about the broad spectrum of economics, both in the subject-specific science and in the didactics of the subject.

Re­cog­ni­tion of Aca­dem­ic Achieve­ments

Students on Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University generally have the opportunity to have examinations taken elsewhere recognised for modules offered on the Paderborn degree programme and listed in the module handbook. The module coordinators decide on the recognition.

Our teachers

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Vocational training is close to my heart. Theory and practice as well as research and teaching must be related to each other.

More about the person

Dr. rer. pol. Jennifer Nicole Schneider

Equal opportunity education is essential to meet the challenges of the digital transformation process and to effectively utilize the economic opportunities of the free market!

More about the person

Niclas Grüttner, M.Ed.

More about the person

Helene Maja Lindenthal

More about the person

Sebastian Niklas Koppius

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