News from the field of busi­ness edu­ca­tion

Sev­enth busi­ness edu­ca­tion doc­tor­al can­did­ate sem­in­ar of the Er­lan­gen-Nurem­berg and Pader­born Uni­ver­sit­ies

 |  AllgemeinesForschung - Research

At Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), academics from the various qualification phases met to discuss their research activities.  

For the first time, scientists from the universities of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Paderborn had the opportunity to exchange ideas about their research areas in a bilateral context and across universities in 2016. Since then, it has become a tradition to exchange ideas once a year in an appreciative and constructive atmosphere. This format is interesting for all researchers, as not only completed research work can be presented, but also lectures on topic identification processes up to habilitation projects can be included, which promotes exchange across the qualification phases.

This year, the topics ranged from the idea of a dissertation project on ESD topics (Education for Sustainable Development) to blended learning or the introductory phase of studies to almost completed research projects such as the evaluation of interdisciplinary educational programs. Care was taken to ensure that each researcher was also paired with a tademic partner in the same or similar research area, so that although the content was in the same area, the topics were different. The variety of topics showed that there is not only a great need for research in the field of education for sustainable development, but that the training and further education of teachers in their various professional contexts is also important. Particularly innovative were the thoughts on self-reflection and interpersonal professionalism in teacher training as well as research projects on the emotional experience and emotion regulation of prospective pre-service teachers. These are just two perspectives that are usually neglected in everyday practice and yet are of particular importance for the personal development of teachers and for good teaching.

In addition to the intensive exchange of ideas during the two-day seminar, various events, such as a joint dinner, also encouraged personal exchange. Two days of intensive collaboration, constructive interaction and impulses for further research strengthened the long-standing cooperation between the two universities.   

We look forward to hosting the event at Paderborn University next year so that scientific exchange can continue to be promoted across university boundaries.

Further insights into the Doctoral Seminar 2023 in cooperation with FAU can be found here.