Aktuelles aus dem Department Taxation, Accounting and Finance

IASB Re­sea­rch Ses­si­on

 |  Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Internationale Rechnungslegung

The TRR266 paper “Acquired intangible assets, CAM disclosures, and audit risk” by Alexander Liss, Jan Riepe, and Sönke Sievers was featured at the IASB Research Session during the EAACongress24. A session that includes papers relevant to IFRS Accounting Standards, provides feedback to make research evidence more relevant and accessible to standard setters and fosters the connections between the International Accounting Standards Board and academics.

Proud to be a part of this and contribute to an important dialogue between research and regulations.

IASB Re­sea­rch Ses­si­on

 |  Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Internationale Rechnungslegung

The TRR266 paper “Acquired intangible assets, CAM disclosures, and audit risk” by Alexander Liss, Jan Riepe, and Sönke Sievers was featured at the IASB Research Session during the EAACongress24. A session that includes papers relevant to IFRS Accounting Standards, provides feedback to make research evidence more relevant and accessible to standard setters and fosters the connections between the International Accounting Standards Board and academics.

Proud to be a part of this and contribute to an important dialogue between research and regulations.

IASB Re­sea­rch Ses­si­on

 |  Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Internationale Rechnungslegung

The TRR266 paper “Acquired intangible assets, CAM disclosures, and audit risk” by Alexander Liss, Jan Riepe, and Sönke Sievers was featured at the IASB Research Session during the EAACongress24. A session that includes papers relevant to IFRS Accounting Standards, provides feedback to make research evidence more relevant and accessible to standard setters and fosters the connections between the International Accounting Standards Board and academics.

Proud to be a part of this and contribute to an important dialogue between research and regulations.