News from the field of busi­ness edu­ca­tion

22nd Uni­ver­sity Days Vo­ca­tion­al Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing 2023 in Bam­berg

 |  AllgemeinesForschung - Research

The SeiP and ITiB research projects were represented with two workshops at the University Days of Vocational Education and Training 2023 at the University of Bamberg from March 20-22. This year, the University Days were held under the motto of securing skilled workers.

As part of the BMBF project SeiP, Prof. Dr. H.-Hugo Kremer (University of Paderborn), together with Prof. Dr. Petra Frehe-Halliwell (University of Jena) and Prof. Dr. Bernd Gößling (University of Innsbruck), led the workshop “Transition system as an opportunity improvement system: Through vocational preparation for social participation”. The two-day event focused on teaching and learning environments that promote development, key competencies, work tasks that promote learning as enabling strategies and an opportunity improvement system. The topics were discussed and developed through discussion vignettes, which were carried out through a prior presentation and stimulus of the respective topic.  Prof. Dr. H.-Hugo Kremer, head of the SeiP joint project, stated after the successful conclusion of the workshop: “Inclusive didactics cannot be viewed in isolation from the systemic and curricular framework conditions and requires a high level of ambiguity tolerance from the actors in the educational institutions”.

The InnoVET accompanying research workshop, which was held jointly with representatives of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), the Universities of Magdeburg and Paderborn and selected InnoVET projects, dealt with exchange processes between science and practice using the example of the InnoVET program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The BMBF is pursuing the goal of increasing the attractiveness and quality of vocational training in a future-oriented manner and establishing equivalence with academic training. While the participants dealt with the question of the attractiveness of vocational education and training on the first day of the workshop, the ITiB project focused on interaction and networking in innovation processes on the second day of the workshop, providing impetus and organizing a World Café with project representatives. This also reflects the focus of the accompanying research sub-project.

The research team led by Dr. Marie-Ann Kückmann and Dr. Desiree Daniel-Söltenfuß (both heads of the junior research group at the University of Paderborn) referred specifically to the understanding of transfer in the projects and the indispensability of processes for shaping and transferring innovations. A presentation of the results followed by an interactive discussion on “Interaction and networking in innovation processes” rounded off the workshop. The results were summarized in short presentations at the end to provide an overview. Dr. Marie-Ann Kückmann draws the following conclusion from the workshop: “It was great not only to take up networks as an important topic and to discuss concrete problems from and with the projects and to develop possible measures for action, but also to make a concrete contribution to networking in the context of InnoVET with the workshop itself.”


Project SeiP:
Dr. Heike Kundisch

Project ITiB:
Dr. Marie-Ann Kückmann