TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Karina Körösi

 |  ForschungsvortragForschung - ResearchTAF Brown Bag Seminar

As part of the TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Seminar, which took place on 09th January 2024, Karina Körösi, a PhD student at HU Berlin presented a paper with the title "Misperception and preferences for ‘fair’ income taxation: The role of income tax burden representation".

Karina's research explored the complex relationship between income tax misperception and preferences for 'fair' taxation, shedding light on the crucial role of income tax burden representation in shaping individual attitudes towards taxation. The presentation was a great opportunity for the audience to engage with her findings and insights.

We congratulate Karina on this excellent opportunity to share her research and look forward to seeing the development of her project.