Gen­er­al In­form­a­tion

Wie reagieren Privatinvestor*innen auf den Ausbruch von COVID-19? Expert*innen, Politiker*innen und Medien zeichnen bislang ein uneinheitliches Bild von den wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Corona-Krise. Auch Reaktionen von individuellen Markteilnehmer*innen sind nur schwer prognostizierbar. Jun. Prof. Regnina Ortmann, Ph.D, Jun. Prof. Dr. Matthias Pelster und Dr. Sascha Tobias Wengerek kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass Investor*innen seit Ausbruch der…

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Due to the corona crisis, this year's Paderborn Easter run, like all events in public life, could not take place. The employees of the tax professorships showed team spirit and supported the good cause with their PaderbornerOsterSOLOLOlauf. The Sparkasse Paderborn-Detmold donates €10 per runner and a total of €75,000 to organizations in the region that care for the homeless and provide food for the people in need.

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This year the "Teaching Award of the Faculty of Economics for special commitment in teaching" at Paderborn University is awarded to Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann. The basis for the award of the teaching prize for Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann is her conception and realisation of the module "Transfer pricing in the field of tension between control and taxation". The module combines the two disciplines of taxation and controlling. This can be seen both in…

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On September 27th, 2019 Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann, Ph.D. participates in the “Sixteenth Symposium on Tax Research” organized by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Deloitte Tax LLP. The goal of the Symposium is to bring together scholars, practitioners, and regulators working on current issues in taxation.

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On August 15th – 16th,  2019.Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann, Ph.D. participates in the conference "Accounting Summer Camp " at the Stanford Graduate School of Business

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On August 2nd - 3rd, 2019 Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann, Ph.D. participates in the conference "Theory and Inference in Accounting Research" at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

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From July to November 2019 Regina Ortmann is on a research stay at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, USA.

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The chair for International Business Taxation of Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann, Ph.D., is looking for a new research assistant starting at the next possible date. For further information, please click here. 

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Since October 9th, 2017 Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann, Ph.D. holds the junior professorship for International Business Taxation. From the beginning of the winter term 2017/2018 Regina Ortmann will complement the teaching offer of the department 2.

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TAF Mas­ter Pro­gram Alumna's Re­search Pub­lished in Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Nex­us For­um - Paula Re­lard

We are delighted to announce that Paula Relard, a former student of our TAF Master Program, has co-authored a paper titled "Are firms (getting) ready for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive?" along with Prof. Urska Kosi, which was accepted for publication in the journal Sustainability Nexus Forum.

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TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Lisa Lüt­tke

As part of the TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Seminars, Lisa Lüttke gave a presentation on July 16, 2024 titled "The Hunt for Talent".

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TRR 266/TAF Re­search Work­shop & PRIME Sem­in­ar: Prof. Sergeja Slapni­car

TRR 266/TAF Research Workshop On Tuesday, 2 July 2024, at 4pm, in Room Q 5.245, Sergeja Slapničar (University of Queensland, Australia) presented the research project "Measurement and management of cyber risk". The presentation was hosted jointly by the  TRR 266/TAF Research  Workshops  (TAF Department) and the PRIME Research Seminar (Winfo Department).   Sergeja Slapnicar is Associate Professor of Accounting within the University of Queensland…

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TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Stefano Cas­cino

TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On July 02, 2024, Stefano Cascino (The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)) presented a paper titled “Behind the Corporate Veil: How Business Groups Arbitrage ESG Disclosure Mandates” at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar.

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TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Yijun Li

TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On June 18, 2024, Assistant Professor Yijun Li, Ph.D. (Erasmus University Rotterdam) presented a paper titled "The Curse of Celebrity: The Effect of CEO Media-induced Status on Stock Price Crash Risk" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar.

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On 7th June 2024, Pia Stoczek, along with colleagues from the TAF department at Paderborn University, Yuri Piper, Patrick Marcel Pradella, and Dr. Henning Giese, participated in the poster session of the inaugural ceremony of the Paderborn Research Center for Sustainable Economy (PARSEC). Pia Stoczek presented a poster titled "That's (in)credible: Disclosure on green bond sections" as part of the event. The research investigates whether…

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We are thrilled to share that Dennis Großmann, one of our team members, attended the TRR 266 Forum at Goethe University Frankfurt on 4th June, 2024, alongside other professionals. The event focused on the topic "Smart transparency through smart regulation: better data for better decisions?". During the event, Dennis had the chance to engage with fellow professionals and gain valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges of smart…

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Participants ot the TAF Research Seminars

TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Aless­andro Scopel­litti

On 30 April 2024, Alessandro Diego Scopelliti (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) gave a presentation at the TRR 266/ TAF Research Seminar. The title of the paper was „Bank Credit and Market-based Finance for Corporations: The Effects of Minibond Issuances for Unlisted Firms“.

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TRR 266 Brown Bag Sem­in­ar Man­nheim: Pia Stoczek

Presentation at the TRR 266 Brown Bag Seminar Mannheim

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TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Pia Stoczek: "That’s (in)cred­ible: Dis­clos­ure on green bond seg­ments"

As part of the TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Seminar, Pia Stoczek gave a presentation on January 16, 2024, on the topic "That’s (in)credible: Disclosure on green bond segments".

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On January 22nd, Dr. Stefan Greil gives a practical lecture in the course tax and managerial objectives in transfer pricing on the topic "(Zusammen-)Arbeit in der Steuerverwaltung am Beispiel des ATAD-UmsG und des Unified Approach der OECD zur Besteuerung der digitalen Wirtschaft". The guest lecture takes place in lecture hall Q5.245 at 4:00 p.m.

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On 13th 2019 Jan Uterhark and Michael Freudenberg give a practical lecture on the topic “Settlement of Transfer Pricing Disputes” in the course tax and managerial objectives in transfer pricing.

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On 06th December, Mark Franzen and Michael Freudenberg give a practical lecture on the topic “Transfer Prices in the Context of Reorganizations” in the course tax and managerial objectives in transfer pricing.

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On 29th 2019, Dr. Dorit Weikert and Michael Freudenberg give a practical lecture in on the topic “Transfer Pricing and Corporate Taxation” in the course tax and managerial objectives in transfer pricing.

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On 22nd 2019, Dr. Claudia Dahle and Michael Diehl give a practical lecture on topic “Transfer Prices for Permanent Establishments” in the course tax and managerial objectives in transfer pricing.

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This year the "Teaching Award of the Faculty of Economics for special commitment in teaching" at Paderborn University is awarded to Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann. The basis for the award of the teaching prize for Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann is her conception and realisation of the module "Transfer pricing in the field of tension between control and taxation". The module combines the two disciplines of taxation and controlling. This can be seen both in…

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On November 08th 2019, Michael Freudenberg gives a practical lecture on the topic “Transfer Prices in Practice” in the course tax and managerial objectives in transfer pricing.

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On May 14th, 2019, tax advisors Sven Westphälinger and Laura Bienek, KPMG, introduce the case study in the course International Taxation.  The lecture starts at 9:00 a.m. at garage33.

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On April 29th, 2019, Dr. Dirk Brüninghaus gives a practical lecture in the course international taxation "Betriebsstätten aus Sicht der Praxis". The guest lecture takes place in lecture hall B1 at 9:00 a.m.

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On November 30th, 2018, tax advisors Dorit Weikert and Michael Freudenberg give a practical lecture in the course Transfer Pricing. The guest lecture takes place in lecture room Q2.122 at 2 p.m.

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