Data in Re­search and Teach­ing

The students and staff of the University of Paderborn are provided a variety of data sources. These databases are used both in teaching and in research.

Here are explained the most important databases that will be used, especially for the Faculty of Economics and Taxation, Accounting and Finance Department, and thus also the Chair of Business Administration, International Accounting Prof. Dr. Sönke Sievers. The databases are used both in teaching (including lectures, tutorials, seminars, and thesis) as well as for research projects.

Terms of use

Signing a legally binding commitment is required to use the databases of the Wharton Reserach Database Services (WRDS). The staff of the University of Paderborn can request this in person by seeing Birgit Petermeier in the office of Prof. Dr. Sönke Sievers, or by sending an e-mail to By signing this document you declare acceptance of the Terms of Use of WRDS, which can also be viewed in the Secretariat. In addition, you must agree to the Terms of Use while applying for the WRDS access.

Students can access the data in the context of the teaching and research projects through the respective supervisor or be enabled by the supervising Chair.


WRDS - Wharton Research Data Services

WRDS is a web based platform which provides comprehensive financial, accounting, economics, management, marketing, banking and insurance data from various economic data banks. WRDS is operated by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania ( in the United States. WRDS is characterized by the fact that data from different databases integrated searches uniformly selected, and finally linked into a unified file format (Excel, Stata, SAS, etc.) can be stored.

WRDS is considered the de facto standard in quantitative empirical capital market research. With access to this source, high-quality teaching and research are possible.

Currently, the following databases are additionally accessible via WRDS (click here for an overview of all databases which are included in general):


Compustat is a database of Standard & Poor's, which accounting and market data on more than 91,000 companies worldwide, and especially for the United States provides. These data go back to daily, monthly and quarterly basis to the year 1962, at the annual level until 1952.

The Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) is a research center at the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. Research at the University of Chicago and teaches, among other things Eugene F. Fama Award, which in 2013 together with Robert J. Shiller and Lars Peter Hansen received the Nobel Prize in Economics "For their empirical analysis of asset prices."

CRSP operates an extensive database of capital market time series. Information will be provided to equities and government bonds in particular. For securities that are traded on the NYSE trading venues, NASDAQ, AMEX and Arca, values provides the database daily (eg prices, volumes, yields, etc.). The data of the securities NYSE date back to 1925. The government bonds descriptive and historical data are provided.

I / B / E / S Detail History EPS is a database which, inter alia, the profit estimate per share (Earnings Per Share) encompassed by analysts. These earnings estimates are available both for American companies and large international companies. In addition, the database I / B / E / S History non-EPS is offered. This includes more predictive indicators (eg, EBITDA, book value per share, cash flow, sales, dividends per share etc.) and earnings (eg Price / earnings ratios, market capitalization, historical growth rates, dividends, etc.).

The Bankscope database contains detailed financial information on over 29,000 banks. These include both public and private banks.

Furthermore, on WRDS the following additional databases available: Bank Regulatory, Block Holders, CBOE index, CUSIP, DMEF Academic Data, Dow Jones, Fama French & Liquidity Factors, Federal Reserve Bank, PHLX, Penn World Tables, SEC Order Execution and TRACE.

More information can be found on the WRDS database information system (DBIS) of the University Library Paderborn.

dafne (Bureau van Dijk)

dafne provides current and historical financial statements of information about 800,000 German and Austrian companies. Following the publication of the undertakings, both separate financial statements and consolidated financial statements are available. The international accounting standards IAS / IFRS and US GAAP and the German Commercial Code are included in the detailed presentation.

More information about dafne you find on the Database Information System (DBIS) of the University Library Paderborn.