TAF-Research Seminar, "Why did the FASB change fair value accounting rules during the crisis? An analysis of the political influence on standard-setting"
2.00 p.m., Q5.245: Prof. Jack Stecher holds a presentation with the topic "Does Fair Vailue Accounting Reduce Prices and Create Illiquidity" at the TAF Research Seminars.
Publication: Diller, Markus, Kortebusch, Pia, Schneider Georg, Sureth, Caren (2015): Boon or Bane of Advance Tax Rulings as a Measure to Mitigate Tax Uncertainty and Foster Investment, arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 187, www.arqus.info and TAF Working Paper Series No.11.
Publication: Alberternst, Stephan, Sureth Caren (2015): The Effect of Taxes on Corporate Financing Decisions - Evidence from the German Interest Barrier, arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 182, www. arqus.info.