Events in the Tax­a­tion, Ac­count­ing & Fin­ance de­part­ment

Par­ti­cip­a­tion and present­a­tion at fac­ulty re­search work­shop

We are pleased to announce that Pia Stoczek and Dennis Großmann will be presenting their research at the Faculty Research Workshop in August. We wish them a successful presentation and look forward to hearing about their experience.

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21st Cor­por­ate Fin­ance Days, KU Leuven

We are thrilled to announce that Pia Stoczek will be attending the 21st Corporate Finance Days, a premier International Conference in the field of Corporate Finance, held at the Leuven campus of KU Leuven's Faculty of Economics and Business from 12th September to 13th September 2024. As part of this esteemed event, Pia's coauthor Alexander Liß will present their research paper, with the title "Making new friends: ECB intervention and syndicated…

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