Research profile of the Department of Taxation, Accounting and Finance

The TAF department shows a high level of interest and commitment in basic and applied academic research. This joint commitment of all members of the department leads to outstanding scientific work, which is widely visible both in DFG projects and in high-calibre specialist articles in national and international journals.

The idea of cooperation is particularly important to the department. This is also reflected in the large number of high-calibre guests from Germany and abroad at the TAF Research Seminar. The Centre for Risk Management (CeRiMa) and the Centre for Tax and Accounting Research (CETAR) also make a significant contribution to the department's research landscape with research workshops and projects. CETAR aims to contribute to gaining valuable insights into the effects of taxes, accounting and the associated business decisions. Many current research papers can be found in the TAF Working Paper Series published by CETAR. The members of the department not only highly value the value of cooperation within the department, but also intensively seek out and successfully pursue cooperation with other departments, other faculties and other universities in the national and international fields.

Sonderforschungsbereich "Accounting for Transparency (TRR 266)"

Eine Vielzahl unserer Forschenden ist Teil des überregionalen Sonderforschungsbereichs, der mit mehr als 100 engagierten Forschenden untersucht, wie Rechnungswesen und Besteuerung die Transparenz von Unternehmen beeinflussen und wie sich Regulierungen und Unternehmenstransparenz auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft auswirken.

Re­search activ­it­ies

Re­search pro­jects

Our department is characterised by extensive third-party funded projects in basic research as well as application-oriented research.

Project overview


Our research results are published in numerous publications. Our database offers you a comprehensive overview.

Lecture in building L of Paderborn University.

TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar

Renowned researchers from all over the world present their findings here. Doctoral students and professors from the department actively participate in the seminar through critical and constructive discussion. This culture of exchange refines existing work and generates ideas for new research projects.

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Research centres

Within the research centres, our high level of activity in research and also in practice transfer is evident.

Building H of Paderborn University.

Center for Tax and Accounting Research (CETAR)

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Blossoming chestnut trees on the campus of Paderborn University.

Center for Risk Management (CeRiMa)

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Research news


Vor­trag: Dr. Phil­ipp Klein I 46th An­nu­al Con­gress of the European Ac­count­ing As­so­ci­ation (EAA), Bucharest, Ro­mania

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Present­a­tion: Car­en Sureth-Sloane's team of sci­ent­ists is rep­res­en­ted with two present­a­tions at the 46th an­nu­al con­gress of the European…

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TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Kim Alina Schulz: "Tax Re­forms and Firms' De­mand for Tax Tal­ents"

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TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Aless­andro Scopel­litti

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Pub­lika­tion im Journ­al of Risk Fin­ance I S.Her­wald, S. Voigt & A. Uhde

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Pub­lic­a­tion: Greil, Kaluza-Thiesen, Schulz, Sureth-Sloane: Kom­plex­ität von Ver­rech­nung­s­preis­en und Tax Com­pli­ance: Ein­blicke in deutsche…

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TRR 266 Brown Bag Sem­in­ar Man­nheim: Pia Stoczek

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Award: Yuri Piper re­ceives Best Dis­cussant Award of the TRR 266 Ac­count­ing Re­search Camp on Trans­par­ency In Cor­por­a­tions and mar­kets…

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Present­a­tion: Yuri Piper: Pref­er­ences for Tax­ing Wealth and In­come, Ac­count­ing Re­search Camp on Trans­par­ency In Cor­por­a­tions and…

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Present­a­tion: Kim Alina Schulz: Tax Re­forms and Firm­s’ De­mand for Tax Tal­ents, Ac­count­ing Re­search Camp on Trans­par­ency In Cor­por­a­tions…

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Vor­trag: Dr. Phil­ipp Klein I 84th An­nu­al Meet­ing of the Ger­man Aca­dem­ic As­so­ci­ation for Busi­ness Re­search (VHB), Lüneb­urg, Ger­many

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Dis­cus­sion: Hen­ning Giese: Car­bon Leak­age to De­vel­op­ing Coun­tries, The 36th An­nu­al Amer­ic­an Tax­a­tion As­so­ci­ation (ATA) Mi­dyear…

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Pub­lic­a­tion: Schön, Graßl, Giese: Die Kri­ter­i­en und Zusam­menset­zung der EU-Black­list als Grundlage des Steueroasen-Ab­wehrge­set­zes – Eine…

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TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Pia Stoczek: "That’s (in)cred­ible: Dis­clos­ure on green bond seg­ments"

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TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Karina Körösi

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More news


The Taxation, Accounting and Finance department comprises almost 100 people at all levels of academic career. As a team, our aim is to create a sound and evidence-based understanding of the economy and to contribute to the objectification of debates on new regulation

Get in touch with our de­part­ment spokes­wo­man!

Prof. Dr. Urska Kosi

Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Externes Rechnungswesen und Wirtschaftsprüfung

Room Q5.101
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Office hours

By appointment via email.