Wis­senschaft­liche Mit­arbeit­er

Niclas Grüttner, M.Ed.

 Niclas Grüttner, M.Ed.

Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung

Research Associate

+49 5251 60-2387
Office hours:

Nach Vereinbarung

Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Forschungs- und Aufgabenschwerpunkte

Sustainability development research: Evaluation and evaluation research on the implementation and acceptance of sustainability strategies, especially in curricular  structures of vocational training and in-company and out-of-company education and training.

Consumer education: Active research-oriented and subject-didactic design of research projects in the context of consumer behaviour, consumer protection and sustainability strategies in the context of vocational training and further training courses in companies.

Vocational education and training research: Design and collaboration in research projects in vocational education and training research, information technologies and continuing education and training concepts as well as in the design of vocational learning processes and competence development.

Evaluation: Evaluation and evaluation research in the context of VET research as well as in contexts of e-learning in VET-related and higher education didactics. 

Digitisation: Active design research and media didactic research in the area of the use of e-learning/m-learning in vocational education and training, especially initial and continuing training.



 Niclas Grüttner, M.Ed.
Since 05/2022

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung bei Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

10/2020 - 04/2022

Masterstudium für das Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen an der Universität Paderborn

Abschluss: Master of Education

08/2020 - 04/2022

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im Arbeitsbereich Schulpädagogik des Instituts für Erziehungswissenschaften bei Prof. Dr. Birgit Eickelmann

Mitarbeit im Qualitätsmanagement des Verbundprojekts COMeIN - NRW

02/2016 - 09/2020

Bachelorstudium für das Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen an der Universität Paderborn

Abschluss: Bachelor of Education

08/2019 - 08/2020

Studentische Hilfskraft an der Stabsstelle Bildungsinnovationen und Hochschuldidaktik der Universität Paderborn bei Dr. Nerea Vöing

Bereich E-Learning

07/2011 - 07/2014

Allgemeine Hochschulreife am Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium Bad Oeynhausen

Since 05/2022

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung bei Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

10/2020 - 04/2022

Masterstudium für das Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen an der Universität Paderborn

Abschluss: Master of Education

08/2020 - 04/2022

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im Arbeitsbereich Schulpädagogik des Instituts für Erziehungswissenschaften bei Prof. Dr. Birgit Eickelmann

Mitarbeit im Qualitätsmanagement des Verbundprojekts COMeIN - NRW

02/2016 - 09/2020

Bachelorstudium für das Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen an der Universität Paderborn

Abschluss: Bachelor of Education

08/2019 - 08/2020

Studentische Hilfskraft an der Stabsstelle Bildungsinnovationen und Hochschuldidaktik der Universität Paderborn bei Dr. Nerea Vöing

Bereich E-Learning

07/2011 - 07/2014

Allgemeine Hochschulreife am Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium Bad Oeynhausen


Latest Publications

Frühe Versuche zur Etablierung des Hochschulstandorts Paderborn (1945-1970)

N.C. Grüttner, in: R. Pöppinghege, Universität Paderborn (Eds.), 50 Jahre Universität Paderborn. Studentische Forschungsprojekte zur Gründungsgeschichte. Ein Rückblick, Paderborn, 2023, pp. 6–33.

Developing an e-learning tool with integrated electronic training certificate (FEL) for professional nursing training

M. Beutner, J.N. Schneider, N.C. Grüttner, S.N. Koppius, J. Stelzer, Developing an E-Learning Tool with Integrated Electronic Training Certificate (FEL) for Professional Nursing Training, Barcelona, Spain, 2022.

Show all publications

Helene Maja Lindenthal

 Helene Maja Lindenthal

Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung

Research Associate

+49 5251 60-5010
Fax (External):
+49 5251 60-3563
Office hours:

by appointment

Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Research Interests


Digitalisierung in der Lehre

Gamification und Game Based Learning in der Lehre


Interkulturalität und interkulturelle Kompetenzen

Additional Activities
  • Lehrbeauftragte: THM - Bachelor Mechatronik - Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre (04.-07.2021)
  • Studentische Hilfskraft/Tutorin: THM - Bachelor Logistikmanagement - Intercultural Communication Competence, Organizational Behavior (04.-07.2021)
  • Studentische Hilfskraft/Tutorin: Uni Kassel - Bachelor Wirtschaftspädagogik - Einführung in die Wirtschaftspädagogik (10.2020-03.2021)
  • Praktikantin: Radko-Stöckl-Schule (08.-09.2019)
Mitarbeit in nationalen und internationalen Projekten
  • Change Your Perspective: It's Just Dyscalculia (hier)

  • E-Stories - Digital Storytelling in Supporting Immigrant University Students Language and Technology Use Skills (hier)

  • EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects (hier)

  • Green-4-Future - Greening the EntreComp Framework to Reconcile Economic Development and Environmental Security (hier)

  • IDEAL GAME - Improving didactics, education and learning in higher education with the Online Serious Game Creator (hier)

  • Learn STEM - Innovative Model of learning STEM in secondary schools (hier)

  • Reliable Green - Remote work, telework and learning with innovative and accessible educational resources for businesses and labor markets in Europeans Green Economy (hier)

  • Skills4Life - Promoting the Transition to Active Life through Gamification and Game-Based Learning (hier)

 Helene Maja Lindenthal
Education and Academic Career
10/2020 - 09/2022

Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Master of Arts

Methoden und Didaktik in angewandten Wissenschaften_Higher Education

08/2021 - 12/2021

Turku University of Applied Sciences

Business and Engineering, Logistics


10/2016 - 09/2020

Universität Kassel

Bachelor of Education


Zweitfach Englisch

07/2012 - 07/2015


Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Berufliches Gymnasium

Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft

10/2020 - 09/2022

Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Master of Arts

Methoden und Didaktik in angewandten Wissenschaften_Higher Education

Education and Academic Career
08/2021 - 12/2021

Turku University of Applied Sciences

Business and Engineering, Logistics


Education and Academic Career
10/2016 - 09/2020

Universität Kassel

Bachelor of Education


Zweitfach Englisch

Education and Academic Career
07/2012 - 07/2015


Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Berufliches Gymnasium

Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft

Education and Academic Career

Dr. Elmar Janssen

Dr. Elmar Janssen

Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung


+49 5251 60-3426
Fax (External):
+49 5251 60-3563
E-mail (External):
Office hours:

nach Vereinbarung

Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Dr. Elmar Janssen
Since 02/2022

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung, Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner, Universität Paderborn

10/2014 - 02/2022

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Lehrstuhl für Sozial- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Prof. Dr. Peter F. E. Sloane, Universität Paderborn

10/2008 - 09/2014

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand

Lehrstuhl für BWL, insb. Corporate Governance, Prof. Dr. René Fahr, Universität Paderborn

2014 Promotion an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Paderborn: „The Influence of Peers and Politics on Economic Outcomes – Empirical and Experimental Evidence in the Fields of Social Norms, Politically Connected Firms, Taxation and Climate Change”

10/2007 - 09/2008

Studentische Hilfskraft und Tutor

Seminar für allg. BWL und Personalwirtschaftslehre, Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka, Universität zu Köln

04/2004 - 09/2008

Diplomstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre

Universität zu Köln

10/2004 - 09/2007

Studentische Hilfskraft

Sozialverband VdK, Kreisverband Köln

07/2003 - 03/2004

Kaufmännischer Mitarbeiter im Personalwesen

Rheinisch-Westfälischer Genossenschaftsverband e. V., Köln

08/2000 - 07/2003

Ausbildung zum Kaufmann für Bürokommunikation

Rheinisch-Westfälischer Genossenschaftsverband e. V., Köln

Since 02/2022

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung, Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner, Universität Paderborn

10/2014 - 02/2022

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Lehrstuhl für Sozial- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Prof. Dr. Peter F. E. Sloane, Universität Paderborn

10/2008 - 09/2014

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand

Lehrstuhl für BWL, insb. Corporate Governance, Prof. Dr. René Fahr, Universität Paderborn

2014 Promotion an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Paderborn: „The Influence of Peers and Politics on Economic Outcomes – Empirical and Experimental Evidence in the Fields of Social Norms, Politically Connected Firms, Taxation and Climate Change”

10/2007 - 09/2008

Studentische Hilfskraft und Tutor

Seminar für allg. BWL und Personalwirtschaftslehre, Prof. Dr. Dirk Sliwka, Universität zu Köln

04/2004 - 09/2008

Diplomstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre

Universität zu Köln

10/2004 - 09/2007

Studentische Hilfskraft

Sozialverband VdK, Kreisverband Köln

07/2003 - 03/2004

Kaufmännischer Mitarbeiter im Personalwesen

Rheinisch-Westfälischer Genossenschaftsverband e. V., Köln

08/2000 - 07/2003

Ausbildung zum Kaufmann für Bürokommunikation

Rheinisch-Westfälischer Genossenschaftsverband e. V., Köln


Latest Publications

Sprachsensible Formulierung von Erhebungsinstrumenten

F. Schwabl, E. Janssen, P.F.E. Sloane, Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik 116 (2020) 138–152.

Implikationen der digitalen Transformation für die didaktische Arbeit des betrieblichen Ausbildungspersonals

B. Gössling, D. Hagemeier, E. Janssen, P.F.E. Sloane, in: Jahrestagung Der DGfE-Sektion Berufs- Und Wirtschaftspädagogik , Heckner, 2019.

Innovationsförderung durch Transferagenturen - Erfahrungen im Aufbau von Transferagenturen zur Förderung eines datenbasierten kommunalen Bildungsmanagements

E. Dieter, P.F.E. Sloane, M. Collenberg, D. Daniel, E. Janssen, T. Jenert, K. Meier, I. Menke, H. Schröder, eds., Innovationsförderung durch Transferagenturen - Erfahrungen im Aufbau von Transferagenturen zur Förderung eines datenbasierten kommunalen Bildungsmanagements, 1st ed., EUSL, Detmold, 2018.

Berufsbildung 4.0. Qualifizierung des pädagogischen Personals als Erfolgsfaktor beruflicher Bildung in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt.

P.F.E. Sloane, T. Emmler, B. Gössling, D. Hagemeier, A. Hegemann, E. Janssen, Wirtschaftspädagogisches Forum; 63 (2018).

Show all publications

Sebastian Niklas Koppius

 Sebastian Niklas Koppius

Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung

Research Associate

+49 5251 60-5431
Office hours:

Nach Absprache

Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
 Sebastian Niklas Koppius
Since 01.05.2021

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung bei Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

11/2019 - 04/2021

Studienreferendar am ZfsL Paderborn (abgeschlossen)

03/2018 - 09/2019

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft mit Bachelorabschluss (WHB) am Lehrstuhl für Berufspädagogik bei Prof. Dr. Dietmar Heisler

04/2017 - 09/2019

Master of Education: Universität Paderborn

10/2017 - 03/2018

Praxissemester am Ems-Berufskolleg für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung in Rheda-Wiedenbrück des Kreises Gütersloh

10/2012 - 03/2017

Bachelor of Education: Universität Paderborn

08/2009 - 06/2012

Allgemeine Hochschulreife am Evangelischen Gymnasium in Lippstadt

Since 01.05.2021

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung bei Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

11/2019 - 04/2021

Studienreferendar am ZfsL Paderborn (abgeschlossen)

03/2018 - 09/2019

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft mit Bachelorabschluss (WHB) am Lehrstuhl für Berufspädagogik bei Prof. Dr. Dietmar Heisler

04/2017 - 09/2019

Master of Education: Universität Paderborn

10/2017 - 03/2018

Praxissemester am Ems-Berufskolleg für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung in Rheda-Wiedenbrück des Kreises Gütersloh

10/2012 - 03/2017

Bachelor of Education: Universität Paderborn

08/2009 - 06/2012

Allgemeine Hochschulreife am Evangelischen Gymnasium in Lippstadt

Dr. rer. medic. Ilona Petsch, M.A.

Dr. rer. medic. Ilona Petsch, M.A.

Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung


+49 5251 60-3558
Office hours:

Nach Vereinbarung

Dr. rer. medic. Ilona Petsch, M.A.
Education and Academic Career
10/2018 - 04/2020

Promotionsstudium Medizinische Wissenschaften, Dr. rer. medic., Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Münster

10/2016 - 04/2018

Erwachsenenbildung M. A., Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften, Technische Universität Kaiserlautern

06/2007 - 07/2011

Comparative Literature, B. A. High Honors, Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Humanities, Istanbul Bilgi University

Istanbul, Türkei

10/2002 - 04/2004

Anglistik, Geographie, Ruhr Universität Bochum

08/2000 - 07/2002

Staatl. gepr. kaufm. Assistentin Englisch, Gepr. Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin IHK, Friedrich List Berufskolleg für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, Hamm

05/2001-08/2001, Praktikum DtA Stab I D/NL Korps, HQ 1 (German/Netherlands) Corps, Münster

Since 11/2022

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (PostDoc)

Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik II und Evaluationsforschung, Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

01/2019 - 12/2021

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Klinik für Radiologie, UKM Münster/Universität Münster, Medizinische Fakultät         

08/2017 - 12/2018


Klinik für Radiologie, UKM Münster

11/2012 - 04/2017

Englisch Trainerin

YES'N'YOU, New Horizons Hamburg GmbH

10/2011 - 11/2012

Englisch Trainerin

YES'N'YOU, New Horizons Hannover GmbH

06/2006 - 06/2007

English Teaching Assistant

Bahcesehir Science and Tchnology High School, Istanbul, Türkei

03/2004 - 06/2006

English Instructor

Berlitz Language Center, Ayko Ltd. Istanbul, Türkei

Since 11/2022

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (PostDoc)

Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik II und Evaluationsforschung, Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

01/2019 - 12/2021

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Klinik für Radiologie, UKM Münster/Universität Münster, Medizinische Fakultät         

10/2018 - 04/2020

Promotionsstudium Medizinische Wissenschaften, Dr. rer. medic., Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Münster

Education and Academic Career
08/2017 - 12/2018


Klinik für Radiologie, UKM Münster

10/2016 - 04/2018

Erwachsenenbildung M. A., Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften, Technische Universität Kaiserlautern

Education and Academic Career
11/2012 - 04/2017

Englisch Trainerin

YES'N'YOU, New Horizons Hamburg GmbH

10/2011 - 11/2012

Englisch Trainerin

YES'N'YOU, New Horizons Hannover GmbH

06/2007 - 07/2011

Comparative Literature, B. A. High Honors, Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Humanities, Istanbul Bilgi University

Istanbul, Türkei

Education and Academic Career
06/2006 - 06/2007

English Teaching Assistant

Bahcesehir Science and Tchnology High School, Istanbul, Türkei

03/2004 - 06/2006

English Instructor

Berlitz Language Center, Ayko Ltd. Istanbul, Türkei

10/2002 - 04/2004

Anglistik, Geographie, Ruhr Universität Bochum

Education and Academic Career
08/2000 - 07/2002

Staatl. gepr. kaufm. Assistentin Englisch, Gepr. Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin IHK, Friedrich List Berufskolleg für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, Hamm

05/2001-08/2001, Praktikum DtA Stab I D/NL Korps, HQ 1 (German/Netherlands) Corps, Münster

Education and Academic Career

Dr. rer. pol. Jennifer Nicole Schneider

Dr. rer. pol. Jennifer Nicole Schneider

Wirtschaftspädagogik und Evaluationsforschung


+49 5251 60-2798
Office hours:

Office hours by appointmen

Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Research and task focus:

Open Educational Resources (OER):

  • Fundamental research on OER concepts
  • Implementation and transformation of OER
  • Integration into existing processes
  • Development of incentive systems and intervention models
  • Exploration of OER business models

Sustainability, Green Entrepreneurship, and Consumer Research:

  • Designing transformation processes in the start-up scene
  • Development of training concepts/materials
  • Creation of sustainability concepts considering the SDGs (UNESCO) and European policies

Vocational Education Research:

  • Active participation in research projects in the field of vocational education research
  • Integration of information technologies and further education concepts
  • Design of vocational learning processes and competency development


  • Conducting evaluations in the context of vocational education research
  • Evaluation research in the field of e-learning in vocational education and higher education didactics

Digitalization and Internationalization:

  • Design research and media didactic research in the field of e-learning/m-learning in vocational education, especially in vocational and further education
  • Examination of international aspects, particularly in the European context

Diverse and extensive methodological skills include:

  • Theory-based work and literature research
  • Mixed-methods study designs
  • Delphi studies (qualitative and quantitative)
  • Development and implementation of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
  • Experience in utilizing and transferring Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Qualitative and quantitative data analysis (e.g., using SPSS, MAXQDA)
  • Design and execution of surveys and interviews
  • Creation of questionnaires and guidelines
  • Statistical analysis and interpretation of data
  • Preparation of research reports and scholarly publications
  • Project management and coordination of research projects
  • Presentation and communication of research findings at conferences and events
  • Application of design thinking and innovation methods for the design of transformation processes
  • Expertise in the development and implementation of sustainability concepts, considering international standards (e.g., UNESCO SDGs)
  • Collaboration and leadership of interdisciplinary, international teams and stakeholders
  • Active participation in academic networks and professional associations

These methodological skills enable me to effectively address my research and focus areas and gain valuable insights.

Ausgewählte Vorträge

Schneider, J. (2014): AGnovel and other Graphic novels like Twilight. At the University RoMA Tre, Rom 2014.

Schneider, J. (2015): EU-StORe- Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources. The EU-StORE-Project – Core Information. Presentation at the EU-StORE: meeting in Sibiu, Romania 19th - 21st of January 2015.

Schneider, J. (2015): Evaluation of the first Prototype version of AGnovel. Presentation at the Redesign, Implementation and Evaluation-Meeting in Granada, Spain, 09th - 11th of June 2015

Schneider, J. (2015): Evaluation. Presentation at the Redesign, Implementation and Evaluation-Meeting in Granada, Spain, 09th - 11th of June 2015

Schneider, J. (2015): Research on didactical material and open learning resources. The EU-StORE-Project – Core Information. Presentation at the EU-StORE: meeting in Sibiu, Romania 19th - 21st of January 2015.

Schneider, J. (2015): The EU-StORe-Survey. Presentation at the EU-StORE: Evaluation and Standard Implementation Meeting. September 8th - 10th 2015, Valletta, Malta.

Schneider, J. (2015): Training Courses and Implementation. Presentation at the AGnovel Redesign, Implementation and Evaluation-Meeting in Granada, Spain, 09th - 11th of June 2015.

Schneider, J. (2015): The EU-StORe-Survey. Presentation at the EU-StORE: Evaluation and Standard Implementation Meeting. September 8th - 10th 2015, Valletta, Malta.

Schneider, J. (2015): Training Courses and Implementation. Presentation at the AGnovel Redesign, Implementation and Evaluation-Meeting in Granada, Spain, 09th - 11th of June 2015.

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2022): EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project – Introduction of the EU-CERT project. Project Meeting, in Cologne, Germany 11th – 13th of April 2022.

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2022): EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project – Insight into PR1: EU-CERT - Research on Quality Criteria, Accreditation and Certificate Structures. Project Meeting, in Cologne, Germany 11th – 13th of April 2022.

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2022): EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Insight into PR2: EU-CERT - Concept Design for
Accreditation and Certification Processes. Project Meeting, in Cologne, Germany 11th – 13th of April 2022.

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2022): EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Dissemination and Exploitation. Project Meeting, in Cologne, Germany 11th – 13th of April 2022.

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2022): EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Insight into PR4: EU-CERT - Accreditation Handbook. Project Meeting, in Cologne, Germany 11th – 13th of April 2022.

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. / Grüttner, N. / Koppius, S. / Stelzer, J. / Peters, M. (2022): Developing an e-learning tool with integrated electronic training certificate (FEL) for professional nursing training. NETNEP – 8th International Nurse Education Conference. From education to impact: Transforming nursing ans midwifery education. 19-22 October 2022, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
Session 52: New Technologies, Simulation & Social Media in Teaching and Practice – Track: New technologies, simulation and social media in teaching and practice. Presentation, 22.11.2022 12.00 – 12.30 h.

Schneider, J. (2022): EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Meeting and Project Evaluation. Project Meeting, in Cologne, Germany 11th – 13th of April 2022.

Schneider, J. (2022): EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT – Accreditation Conference. Current Status of the EU-CERT project. Project Meeting, in Almeirim, Portugal 26th – 28 of October 2022.

Schneider, J. (2022): EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT – Accreditation Conference. Insight into PR1: EU-CERT - Research on Quality Criteria, Accreditation and Certificate Structures. Project Meeting, in Almeirim, Portugal 26th – 28 of October 2022.

Schneider, J. (2022): EU-CERT. First Transnational Project Meeting. Presentation at the EU-CERT Meeting: Financial, Marketing and Dissemination.11. – 13.04.2022, Cologne, Germany.

Schneider, J. (2022): EU-CERT. Second Transnational Project Meeting.Presentation about accreditation and certificate structures.26. – 28. Oktober. 2022, Almeirim, Portugal. 

Schneider, J. (2022): Family Business Library. Presentation at the LTTA of FBL: Motivation, Barriers and Problems while starting a business. 25. – 29.05.2022; Sassari, Sardinia.

Schneider, J. (2022): Greenworld: Think Green for the Word. Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTA). Workshop: Creative Thinking. LTTA at the University of Paderborn. 12. – 16.12.2022; Paderborn, Germany.

Schneider, J. (2022): Greenworld: Think Green for the Word. Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTA). Workshop: Entrepreneurship, Green Business. LTTA at the University of Paderborn. 12. – 16.12.2022; Paderborn, Germany.

Schneider, J. (2022): Greenworld: Think Green for the Word. Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTA). Workshop: Canvas Model. LTTA at the University of Paderborn. 12. – 16.12.2022; Paderborn, Germany.

Schneider, J. (2022): Greenworld: Think Green for the Word. Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTA). Workshop: Open Educational Resources – Sustainability in green Start-ups! LTTA at the University of Paderborn. 12. – 16.12.2022; Paderborn, Germany.

Schneider, J. (2022): OERCamp. Barcamp Sessions zu OER in der berufl. Bildungsforschung. Im Internet: OERcamp 2022 +++ 24. bis 26. Oktober 2022 in Hamburg +++ 10 Jahre OERcamp +++ – #OERcamp. Session am: 25.10.2022.

Schneider, J. (2022): STEMinAction: Open Educational Resource Workshop - LTTA at the University of Paderborn. 02. – 06.05.2022; Paderborn, Germany.

Schneider, J. / Lindenthal, H. (2022): EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT – Accreditation Conference. Insights into ideas for the Accreditation and Certification Concept. Project Meeting, in Almeirim, Portugal 26th – 28 of October 2022.

Schneider, J. / Lindenthal, H. (2022): EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT – Accreditation Conference. Dissemination and Exploitation. Project Meeting, in Almeirim, Portugal 26th – 28 of October 2022.

Schneider, J. (2023): SAFE -Streaming approaches for Europe - Enhancing the digital competences by streaming approaches for schools to tackle the challenges of COVID-19. The SAFE Handbook. Final Project Meeting, Cologne, Germany 07th - 09th of February 2023.

Schneider, J. (2023): SAFE -Streaming approaches for Europe - Enhancing the digital competences by streaming approaches for schools to tackle the challenges of COVID-19. The SAFE Learning Videos. Final Project Meeting, Cologne, Germany 07th - 09th of February 2023.

Schneider, J. (2023): SAFE -Streaming approaches for Europe - Enhancing the digital competences by streaming approaches for schools to tackle the challenges of COVID-19. The Teacher-Training-Platform on the SAFE Project Website. Final Project Meeting, Cologne, Germany 07th - 09th of February 2023.

Schneider, J. (2023): SAFE -Streaming approaches for Europe - Enhancing the digital competences by streaming approaches for schools to tackle the challenges of COVID-19. Administrative and financial information. Final Project Meeting, Cologne, Germany 07th - 09th of February 2023.

Schneider, J. (2023): Green-4-Future. Learning/Teaching/Training Activity –Transnational Training Event LTTA1. Creative Thinking – in Green Entrepreneurships. LTTA, Paderborn Germany 13th – 17th of February 2023.

Schneider, J. (2023): Green-4-Future. Learning/Teaching/Training Activity –Transnational Training Event LTTA1. Business CANVAS Model – in Green Entrepreneurships. LTTA, Paderborn Germany 13th – 17th of February 2023.

Schneider, J. (2023): Green-4-Future. Learning/Teaching/Training Activity –Transnational Training Event LTTA1. Use, sharing and creating Open Educational Resources – Why is it so important? LTTA, Paderborn Germany 13th – 17th of February 2023.

Books in editorial

Beutner, M. / Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2021): Förderung von Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0: Bildung – Beruf – Industrie – Zukunft. Neue Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen für die europäische Berufsbildung. Einblick in das Projekt DigI-VET. Köln 2021.

Beutner, M. / Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2021): Fostering Digitisation and Industry 4.0: Education – Vocation – Industry – Future. New Opportunities and Challenges for European VET. Insight in the DigI-VET Project. Köln 202. Im Internet: http://digivet.eduproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/DigI-VET-EN.pdf. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Beutner, M. / Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2022): E Learning, Digitisation and Units for Learning at VET schools Creating Online Learning Environments in Technical Education for European metal industry. New Opportunities and Challenges for European VET schools in metal industry. Insights in the EDU VET Project. Köln 2022. (155 Seiten, IK Verlag).

Contributions to edited volumes

Beutner, M / Schneider, J. (2016): Evaluation Results concerning OER and the EU-StORe Project. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): OER – Quality Standards, Implementation, Sharing and Use. Results and Discussions on the basis of the EU-StORe project. Köln 2016, S. 117-133.

Beutner, M / Schneider, J. (2016): Situation of visual impaired in Germany. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): Sounds and Audios in E-learning scenarios. Results and Discussions on the basis of the SEEL project. Köln 2016, S. 34-42.

Beutner, M / Schneider, J. (2016): The EU-StORe Project. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): OER – Quality Standards, Implementation, Sharing and Use. Results and Discussions on the basis of the EU-StORe project. Köln 2016, S. 19-27.

Beutner, M / Schneider, J. (2016): The general structure of the SEEL Teacher Training Course. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): Sounds and Audios in E-learning scenarios. Results and Discussions on the basis of the SEEL project. Köln 2016, S. 64-65.

Beutner, M / Schneider, J. (2016): The Importance of OER in European Education. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): OER – Quality Standards, Implementation, Sharing and Use. Results and Discussions on the basis of the EU-StORe project. Köln 2016, S. 11-17.

Beutner, M / Schneider, J. (2016): The OER Quality Standards. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): OER – Quality Standards, Implementation, Sharing and Use. Results and Discussions on the basis of the EU-StORe project. Köln 2016, S. 29-41.

Beutner, M / Schneider, J. (2016): The Project SEEL – Basic information about the context. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): Sounds and Audios in E-learning scenarios. Results and Discussions on the basis of the SEEL project. Köln 2016, S. 10-19.

Beutner, M / Schneider, J. (2016): The structure of the SEEL Project. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): Sounds and Audios in E-learning scenarios. Results and Discussions on the basis of the SEEL project. Köln 2016, S. 20-32.

Beutner, M / Schneider, J. (2016): Use and Implementation of OERs in Germany. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): OER – Quality Standards, Implementation, Sharing and Use. Results and Discussions on the basis of the EU-StORe project. Köln 2016, S. 53-61.

Beutner, M. / Duse, C. / Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2016): Insights in the OER Rating – Database – Structures, Advantages and Challenges. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): OER – Quality Standards, Implementation, Sharing and Use. Results and Discussions on the basis of the EU-StORe project. Köln 2016, S. 43-50.

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2016): The Importance of OER in European Education. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): OER – Quality Standards, Implementation, Sharing and Use. Results and Discussions on the basis of the EU-StORe project. Köln 2016, S. 11-17.

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2016b): The OER Quality Standards. In: Beutner, M. (Hrsg.): OER – Quality Standards, Implementation, Sharing and Use. Results and Discussions on the basis of the EU-StORe project. Köln 2016, S. 11-17.

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2021): Industrie 4.0- Eine Einführung in die Ideen und neuen Möglichkeiten. In: Beutner, M. / Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2021): Förderung von Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0: Bildung – Beruf – Industrie – Zukunft. Neue Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen für die europäische Berufsbildung. Einblick in das Projekt DigI-VET. Köln 2021. S. 24-41.

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2021): Industry 4.0 an introduction to the ideas and new possibilities. In: Beutner, M. / Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2021): Fostering Digitisation and Industry 4.0: Education – Vocation - Industry – Future. New Opportunities and Challenges for European VET. Insights in the DigI-VET Project. Köln 2021. S. 25-41.

Schneider, J. (2021): Digital transformation in industry. In: Beutner, M. / Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2021): Fostering Digitisation and Industry 4.0: Education – Vocation - Industry – Future. New Opportunities and Challenges for European VET. Insights in the DigI-VET Project. Köln 2021.Im Internet: http://digivet.eduproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/DigI-VET-EN.pdf. Zugriff: 05.10.2022. S. 57-62.

Schneider, J. (2021): Digitalistion in the Classroom – Learning Tools. In: Beutner, M. / Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2021): Fostering Digitisation and Industry 4.0: Education – Vocation - Industry – Future. New Opportunities and Challenges for European VET. Insights in the DigI-VET Project. Köln 2021.Im Internet: http://digivet.eduproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/DigI-VET-EN.pdf. Zugriff: 05.10.2022. S. 87-100.

Schneider, J. (2021): Teaching and Learning Materials. In: Beutner, M. / Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2021): Fostering Digitisation and Industry 4.0: Education – Vocation - Industry – Future. New Opportunities and Challenges for European VET. Insights in the DigI-VET Project. Köln 2021.Im Internet: http://digivet.eduproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/DigI-VET-EN.pdf. Zugriff: 05.10.2022. S. 150 - 165.


Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2016): Teachers´ Manual and Teachers´Guideline. A handbook for Teachers. German Version: Lehrkräftehandbuch. Paderborn 2016. (130 Seiten, Universität Paderborn).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2016): Teachers´ Manual and Teachers´Guideline. A handbook for Teachers. English Version. Paderborn 2016. (135 Seiten, Universität Paderborn).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2016): Teachers´ Manual and Teachers´Guideline. A handbook for Teachers. Spanish Version: Manual del Professor. Paderborn 2016. (130 Seiten, Universität Paderborn).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2016): Teachers´ Manual and Teachers´Guideline. A handbook for Teachers. Lithuanian Version: Makytojo Vadovas. Paderborn 2016. (130 Seiten, Universität Paderborn).

Beutner. M. / Schneider, J. (2016): Teachers´ Manual and Teachers´Guideline. A handbook for Teachers. Italian Version: Manuale per il Docente. Paderborn 2016. (131 Seiten, Universität Paderborn).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2016): Teachers´ Manual and Teachers´Guideline. A handbook for Teachers. Greek Version: ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΩΝ. Paderborn 2016. (146 Seiten, Universität Paderborn).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2016): SEEL - Expertenhandbuch. SEEL- Handbook for experts. German Version. Paderborn 2016. (25 Seiten, IK Verlag).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2016): SEEL - Handbook for Educators. English Version. Paderborn 2016. (18 Seiten, IK Verlag).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2016): SEEL - Handbook for experts. English Version. Paderborn 2016. (25 Seiten, IK Verlag).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2016): SEEL - Handbuch für Lehrkräfte. Ein Handbuch zur Nutzung des SEEL-Online-Course-Creators. SEEL - Handbook for Educators. German Version. Paderborn 2016. (19 Seiten, IK Verlag).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. / Groapa, L. / Abrudan, Z. (2016): SEEL - Ghid Pentru Experți. SEEL - Handbook for experts. Romanian Version. Paderborn 2016. (27 Seiten, IK Verlag).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. / Groapa, L. / Abrudan, Z. (2016): SEEL - Manualul profesorului. SEEL - Handbook for Educators. Romanian Version. Paderborn 2016. (17 Seiten, IK Verlag).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. / Sommersová, T. / Bata, P. (2016): SEEL - Příručka pro odborníky. SEEL - Handbook for experts. Czech Version. Paderborn 2016. (26 Seiten, IK Verlag).

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. / Sommersová, T. / Bata, P. (2016): SEEL - Příručka pro učitele. SEEL - Handbook for Educators. Czech Version. Paderborn 2016. (19 Seiten, IK Verlag).

Contributions to magazines / journals

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2015): Open Educational Resources in der aktuellen Bildungslandschaft: Motivation zur Teilung und Nutzung. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Wirtschaft und Pädagogik. 30 Jg., Heft 58, Köln 2015, S. 3-32.

Beutner, M. / Schneider, J. (2020): Open Educational Resources- Nicht nur nutzen, sondern auch erstellen! Chancen und Potenziale für die deutsche Berufsbildungslandschaft. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Wirtschaft und Pädagogik. 35 Jg., Heft 68, Köln 2020, S. 68-106.

Policy Paper

Schneider, J. (2022): Family Business Library. Rural and Regional Libraries as Local family Entrepreneurship Centers. Policy Paper. Deutsche Version. Im Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/_files/ugd/014347_36fd0ec704ee4d299144b36c5e781472.pdf. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Schneider, J. (2022): Family Business Library. Rural and Regional Libraries as Local family Entrepreneurship Centers. Policy Paper. English Version. Im Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/_files/ugd/014347_30fbb3b7c73b4b94a486e7beea7f4b74.pdf. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Schneider, J. (2022): Family Business Library. Rural and Regional Libraries as Local family Entrepreneurship Centers. Policy Paper. Latvian Version. Im Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/_files/ugd/014347_e5edf9ad55f04cf5aed1c9655e587fb4.pdf. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Schneider, J. (2022): Family Business Library. Rural and Regional Libraries as Local family Entrepreneurship Centers. Policy Paper. Italian Version. Im Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/_files/ugd/014347_e5edf9ad55f04cf5aed1c9655e587fb4.pdf. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/_files/ugd/014347_e5edf9ad55f04cf5aed1c9655e587fb4.pdf. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Schneider, J. (2022): Family Business Library. Rural and Regional Libraries as Local family Entrepreneurship Centers. Policy Paper. Greek Version. Im Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/_files/ugd/014347_6e13f4eb17c74bf7b12b0e434c79367d.pdf. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Schneider, J. (2022): Family Business Library. Rural and Regional Libraries as Local family Entrepreneurship Centers. Strategiepapier - Policy Paper. Italian Version. Im Internet https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/_files/ugd/014347_bb63a1597577442aaf25cdcd27b70f58.pdf. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Online products

Beutner, M./ Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2021): DigI-VET: Online Observatory. Im Internet: https://digivet-platform.eduproject.eu/. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Beutner, M./ Schneider, J. (2020): DigI-VET - Cypriot-Greek sMOOC. Im Internet unter: https://moocit.de/index.php?title=DigI-VET_-_Cypriot-Greek_sMOOC, Paderborn 2020.

Beutner, M./ Schneider, J. (2020): DigI-VET - English sMOOC. Im Internet unter: https://moocit.de/index.php?title=DigI-VET_-_English_sMOOC, Paderborn 2020.

Beutner, M./ Schneider, J. (2020): DigI-VET - German sMOOC. Im Internet unter: https://moocit.de/index.php?title=DigI-VET_-_German_sMOOC, Paderborn 2020.

Beutner, M./ Schneider, J. (2020): DigI-VET - Romanian sMOOC. Im Internet unter: https://moocit.de/index.php?title=DigI-VET_-_Romanian_sMOOC, Paderborn 2020.

Beutner, M./ Schneider, J. / Riekstins, J. (2022): Family Business Library: Projektergebnisse #1 E-learning Module für Unternehmen – Anwendbar in Büchereien. Module 1 bis 6. Deutsche Version: Im Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/io1-german. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Beutner, M./ Schneider, J. / Riekstins, J. (2022): Family Business Library: Projektergebnisse #1 E-learning Module für Unternehmen – Anwendbar in Büchereien. Module 1 bis 6. Deutsche Version: Im Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/io1-german. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Beutner, M./ Schneider, J. / Riekstins, J. (2022): Family Business Library: Project Result #1 – E-Learning module on Entrepreneurship for usage in Libraries. English Version: Retrieved from the Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/io1-english. Access: 05.10.2022

Beutner, M./ Schneider, J. / Riekstins, J. (2022): Family Business Library: Project Result #1 – E-Learning module on Entrepreneurship for usage in Libraries. Latvian Version: Retrieved from the Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/io1-latvian. Access: 05.10.2022

Beutner, M./ Schneider, J. / Riekstins, J. (2022): Family Business Library: Project Result #1 – E-Learning module on Entrepreneurship for usage in Libraries. Greek Version: Retrieved from the Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/io1-greek. Access: 05.10.2022

Beutner, M./ Schneider, J. / Riekstins, J. (2022): Family Business Library: Project Result #1 – E-Learning module on Entrepreneurship for usage in Libraries. Italian Version: Retrieved from the Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/io1-italian. Access: 05.10.2022

Beutner, M./ Schneider, J. / Riekstins, J. (2022): Family Business Library: Project Result #1 – E-Learning module on Entrepreneurship for usage in Libraries. Croation Version: Retrieved from the Internet: https://www.familybusinesslibrary.art-smart.eu/io1-croatian. Access: 05.10.2022.

Beutner, M./ Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2021): DigI-VET: Online Observatory. Im Internet: https://digivet-platform.eduproject.eu/. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Beutner, M./ Pechuel, R. / Schneider, J. (2021): DigI-VET: Online Observatory. Im Internet: https://digivet-platform.eduproject.eu/. Zugriff: 05.10.2022.

Schneider, J. (2023): SAFE- Teacher Training Module Envionment. Link: https://safe.eduproject.eu/index.php/safe-curriculum/. Access: 16.02.2023.

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