Education shapes the future - we shape education

The Department of Business Education deals with current and future issues in vocational education and training as part of its teaching and research. Among other things, we deal with the design of complex learning environments and self-regulated learning, competence measurement and development, support diagnostics and individual learning paths, learning with new media or education management and teacher training.

„Unser Ziel ist es, eigenständige Persönlichkeiten zu entwickeln, die Bildungsprozesse begreifen, steuern können und andere in ihren beruflichen Lernprozessen unterstützen. Dies erfordert eine Verbindung von Lehr-Lern-Theorie und Hochschuldidaktik.”

Prof. Dr. Tobias Jenert,

Vocational training research

We are conducting research into forward-looking vocational education and training. On the one hand, we are looking for solutions to the challenges in the existing structures of the vocational education and training system, such as individual support for vocational learners or skills development in digitalised work and business processes. On the other hand, we are looking at innovation in vocational education and training, for example through the increasing integration of vocational and academic education and training or the promotion of entrepreneurial skills.

Re­search pro­jects

Our department is characterised by extensive third-party funded projects in basic research as well as application-oriented research. In addition to developing theories, design-oriented research contributes in particular to working on concrete practical problems.


Our research results are published in numerous publications. Our database offers you a comprehensive overview.

Trans­form­a­tion & Edu­ca­tion

Design-oriented vocational education research is part of the "Transformation and Education" profile area at Paderborn University. The profile area combines the previous research and development work of the Department of Business Education and Vocational Education from the cultural sciences.

cevet re­search centre

The Centre for Vocational Education and Training (cevet) pools international expertise to research issues relating to challenges in vocational education and training. The centre benefits from the different perspectives of the stakeholders on the respective problems.

to the research centre

Sci­entif­ic ca­reer

Become part of our team and take the opportunity to develop personally and work on exciting research projects.

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Study & Teaching

Our degree programme includes teacher training at vocational colleges and a general degree in business education. Throughout our study and teaching programme, we place particular emphasis on preparing our students for pressing issues such as sustainable and ecological management and ensuring that they benefit from modern teaching concepts.

Employees of Paderborn University in lecture hall G.

Studien- und Lehrangebot in der Wirtschaftspädagogik

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Fachstudienberatung Wirtschaftspädagogik

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Building G of Paderborn University.

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Get in touch with us!

Prof. Dr. Tobias Jenert

Wirtschaftspädagogik, insb. Hochschuldidaktik und -entwicklung

Room Q1.322
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn