Publication: Oßwald, Benjamin, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2015): Entscheidungskalküle US-amerikanischer Unternehmen bei Tax Inversions. What Drives the Decision of U.S. Firms to Expatriate?, Steuer und Wirtschaft International, 25 (10), 478-486.
10/15/2015, 2.15 p.m.: Niemann, Rainer and Sureth-Sloane, Caren hold a presentation at the NoCeT Seminar of the Norges Handelshoyskole with the topic "Investment Effects of Stochastic Capital Taxation under Irreversibility".
November 2015: Dirk Brüninghaus and Caren Sureth-Sloane present the topic "Entscheidungswirkungen von Verrechnungspreissetzungen" of the Arbeitskreis Verrechnungspreise of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft at the KPMG in Düsseldorf.
Publication: Klobucnik, Jan, Miersch, David, Sievers, Soenke (2015): Predicting Early Warning Signals of Financial Distress: The Role of Accounting Volatility Measures, TAF Working Paper Series No. 13