Gen­er­al in­form­a­tion

An information event on writing a thesis at the tax professorships will take place on Thursday, 27.06.2024.

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An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the Prof. Dr. oec. West­er­fel­haus Found­a­tion

Annual Conference of the Prof. Dr. oec. Westerfelhaus Foundation

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The doctoral course "Experiments" took place between 12.06. - 14.06.2024.

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On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the TR 266 Forum 2024 took place at the Goethe University Frankfurt.

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Re­search As­sist­ant (f/m/d) wanted

The Chair of Tax Accounting (Prof. Dr. Jens Müller) is looking for a research assistant.

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The doctoral course "Empirical Research in Financial Accounting" took place between 27.05. - 31.05.2024.

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We congratulate Arndt Weinrich on his successful doctorate!

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Here you can download the presentation slides of the information event on writing a thesis at one of the tax professorships

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Dear students,   Some of you will be writing a thesis in the coming semester and would like to be supervised by one of the three tax professorships (Sureth-Sloane, Müller or Ortmann). The registration phase for the central allocation procedure, in which our professorships also participate, will start shortly. We would therefore like to invite you to an information event in which we will provide you with information about our professorships, the…

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Re­search As­sist­ant (f/m/d) wanted

The Faculty of Economics at the Paderborn University has a vacancy for a research assistant (f/m/d) at the Chair of Tax Accounting (Prof. Dr. Jens Müller).

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In­form­a­tion event: Writ­ing your fi­nal thes­is at the tax chairs

On June 20th, 2023, a joint information event of the tax chairs will take place, in which we will give you information about writing your final thesis at our chairs.

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Insights into the tasks and challenges in the professional field of tax advisors and auditors

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Re­search As­sist­ant (f/m/d) wanted

The Faculty of Economics at the Paderborn University has a vacancy for a research assistant (f/m/d) at the Chair of Tax Accounting (Prof. Dr. Jens Müller).

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In­form­a­tion event on fi­nal thes­is Prof. Dr. Jens Müller

An information event will be held at the Chair of Tax Accounting on 23.01.2023.

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Job ad­vert­ise­ment | TAF BWL SoSe 2023 | Tu­tors & Coaches

For the summer semester 2023, we are looking for committed students to accompany the assessment phase module Taxation, Accounting & Finance as tutor or coach (f/m/d).

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