02/28/2015: Presentation of Regina Ortmann at the Research Forum with the topic: "CCCTB or Separate Accounting? Tax-Induced Distortions of Multinationals' Locational Decisions".
2.00 p.m., Q5.245: Presentation of Prof. William Rees with the topic "Nonfinancial Disclosure And Analyst Forecast Accuracy: Evidence On Carbon Emission And Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures In The US" at the TAF Research Seminar.
2.00 p.m., Q5.245: Prof. Jeremy Bertomeu, Ph.D., holds a presentation with the topic "Using Models and Data to Test Theory" at the TAF Research Seminar.
Publication: Hoppe, Thomas, Maiterth, Ralf, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2016): Eigenkapitalverzehr und Substanzbesteuerung deutscher Unternehmen durch eine Vermögensteuer – eine empirische Analyse, Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 68 (1), 3-45, doi: 10.1007/s41471-016-0005-x.
Publication: Niemann, Rainer, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2015): Investment Effects of Wealth Taxes under Uncertainty and Irreversibility, WU International Taxation Research Paper Series, No. 2015-24, arqus, Quantitative Research in Taxation, Discussion Paper No. 192, www.arqus.info, TAF Working Paper No. 12, and SSRN Working Paper No. 2685104.