Prof. Dr. Caren Su­reth-Slo­a­ne joi­ned the Edi­to­ri­al Board of Eu­ro­pean Ac­coun­ting Re­view (EAR)

 |  Lehre

On January 1st, 2016, Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane became member of the Editorial Board of European Accounting Review (EAR), one of the most renowned European accounting journals. This is a special honor, since the EAR is the highest classified European Journal for accounting and tax research. 

The EAR is an international Top-Tier-Journal within its research area and additionally the scholarly journal of the European Accounting Association (EAA). Though European Accounting Review is a truly international journal, it also holds a unique position as it is the only accounting journal to provide a European forum for accounting research, for example, the effects of the single European market, harmonization of accounting standards and regulations or group taxation on entrepreneurial decisions, accounting, and reporting. The journal has been included in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) for several years now and is classified in the best category.

Caren Sureth-Sloane has already editorial experiences with several other renowned journals and is looking forward to her new tasks in this international editorial team.