Fit for the future - analyses and assessments of companies and financial service providers and their regulation - for business, politics and science.

Our "Taxation, Accounting, Finance" (TAF) department is one of the largest teaching and research units within the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University. Competitive research, internationality, subject area and methodological expertise as well as practical relevance characterise this department in teaching and research.



Heraus­ra­gende Stud­i­er­ende an der Pro­fes­sur für BWL, insb. Bank- und Fin­an­zwirtschaft aus­gezeich­net (SoSe 2024)

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Out­stand­ing stu­dents at the Chair of Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion, in par­tic­u­lar Bank­ing and Fin­ance hon­oured (sum­mer semester 2023)

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Work­ing Pa­per: Euler, Harst, Schanz, Sureth-Sloane, Vo­get: Tax Com­plex­ity and For­eign Dir­ect In­vest­ment, TRR 266

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Our research

In constant dialogue with practitioners, our teaching and research contribute to a sound and evidence-based understanding of the economy and to the objectification of debates on new regulation.

Gruppenmeeting Dozierender mit Arbeitsmaterial.

TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar

Renowned researchers present their findings at the TAF Research Seminar. Doctoral candidates and professors from the department actively participate in the seminar through critical and constructive discussion. This culture of exchange refines existing work and generates ideas for new research projects.

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TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar

As part of the TAF Brown Bag Seminar, all researchers present their current research work. The work is usually still in the development phase. The aim of the seminar is to reflect on and discuss the previous research work of the respective presenter and to jointly develop suggestions for improvement.

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Upcoming events

29.10.2024 - 29.10.2024

TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Ree­yarn Li

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05.11.2024 - 05.11.2024

TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Dr. Ben­jamin Fligge

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14.11.2024 - 14.11.2024

Guest lec­ture as part of the "Mer­gers, Ac­quis­i­tions and Di­vestures" mod­ule, Ibrahim Fares, Metro AG

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19.11.2024 - 19.11.2024

TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Ger­rit von Zed­litz

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26.11.2024 - 26.11.2024

Guest lec­ture as part of the mod­ule "Cor­por­ate re­port­ing around the world", Clara Reed, Dr. Oetker

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17.12.2024 - 17.12.2024

TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Chris­ti­an Friedrich

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07.01.2025 - 07.01.2025

TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Den­nis Groß­mann

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Past events


TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Lisa Lüt­tke

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TRR 266/TAF Re­search Work­shop & PRIME Sem­in­ar: Prof. Sergeja Slapni­car

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TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Stefano Cas­cino

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TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Yijun Li

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TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Aless­andro Scopel­litti

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Ac­count­ing for Trans­par­ency (TRR 266)

Many of our researchers are part of the supra-regional Collaborative Research Centre, which has more than 100 dedicated researchers investigating how accounting and taxation influence the transparency of companies and how regulations and corporate transparency affect the economy and society.


The quality of the department is evidenced by outstanding publications in international journals.

Re­search centres

Our high level of activity in research and also in practice transfer is particularly evident within the research centres and the Collaborative Research Centre.

Study & Teaching

Our Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes focus on the interaction of taxes, accounting and financing in entrepreneurial decision-making processes.

Vorlesungsangebot und Studienverlaufsplan WiSe 2024/25

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Schwerpunkt Taxation, Accounting and Finance

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M. Sc. Taxation, Accounting and Finance

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Prizes for out­stand­ing achieve­ments

UGO prize for outstanding Master's thesis awarded to Aliana Görtz

We are very proud that Aliana Görtz has been honoured with the UGO Prize for her master's thesis on "The effects of firm transparency on the insolvency process: Evidence from Germany".

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Honouring the best TAF Master's students

The Department of Taxation, Accounting and Finance is proud to recognise the best students in the M.Sc. Taxation, Accounting and Finance programme.

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Honouring the best Bachelor students

The Department of Taxation, Accounting and Finance awarded certificates to Bachelor students for outstanding achievements at the TAF Master Get-together.

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„The TAF Master's programme was perfectly tailored to my interests. The practical and interdisciplinary cooperation modules were the ideal basis for starting my career. Today I benefit directly from what I learnt in my day-to-day work in Controlling.”

Aliana Görtz,
M.Sc. Taxation, Accounting and Finance

„My fascination for research was triggered by completing a Master's degree in Taxation, Accounting and Finance and working as a research assistant at the department. The interdisciplinary knowledge I acquired during my studies helps me every day on my way to my doctorate.”

Dominik Christian Hanke,
M.Sc. Taxation, Accounting and Finance

„The Master in Taxation, Accounting and Finance was the perfect supplement for me. The combination of my education in banking, the work at the department and the practical content from my studies means that I am entering the professional world with an extensive portfolio of knowledge and skills.”

Max Justus Hoormann,
M.Sc. Taxation, Accounting and Finance

Get in touch with our de­part­ment spokes­wo­man!

Prof. Dr. Urska Kosi

Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Externes Rechnungswesen und Wirtschaftsprüfung

Room Q5.101
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Office hours

By appointment via email.