News from the Taxation, Accounting and Finance department

Award: Yuri Piper re­ceives Best Dis­cussant Award of the TRR 266 Ac­count­ing Re­search Camp on Trans­par­ency In Cor­por­a­tions and mar­kets (ARC­TIC)

 |  Department 2: Taxation, Accounting and FinanceAllgemeinesForschung - Research

Yuri Piper received the Best Discussant Award at this year's TRR 266 Accounting Research Camp on Transparency In Corporations and markets (ARCTIC) in Fügen (Austria) for the discussion of the paper "Corporate Voluntary Disclosure and Competitive Threats" by Benjamin Tödtmann (University of Mannheim).

Award: Yuri Piper re­ceives Best Dis­cussant Award of the TRR 266 Ac­count­ing Re­search Camp on Trans­par­ency In Cor­por­a­tions and mar­kets (ARC­TIC)

 |  Department 2: Taxation, Accounting and FinanceAllgemeinesForschung - Research

Yuri Piper received the Best Discussant Award at this year's TRR 266 Accounting Research Camp on Transparency In Corporations and markets (ARCTIC) in Fügen (Austria) for the discussion of the paper "Corporate Voluntary Disclosure and Competitive Threats" by Benjamin Tödtmann (University of Mannheim).

Award: Yuri Piper re­ceives Best Dis­cussant Award of the TRR 266 Ac­count­ing Re­search Camp on Trans­par­ency In Cor­por­a­tions and mar­kets (ARC­TIC)

 |  Department 2: Taxation, Accounting and FinanceAllgemeinesForschung - Research

Yuri Piper received the Best Discussant Award at this year's TRR 266 Accounting Research Camp on Transparency In Corporations and markets (ARCTIC) in Fügen (Austria) for the discussion of the paper "Corporate Voluntary Disclosure and Competitive Threats" by Benjamin Tödtmann (University of Mannheim).