From April 25th to April 28th the student representatives of the University of Paderborn have carried out a study trip to Munich. Together with the Paderborn partner company aXon, 20 students visited the German headquarters of Microsoft. Besides interesting lectures, active group work and pitches there were also many new insights into the "Smart Workspace" concept. The head office was opened in 2016 and completely designed according to the new…

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[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Nancy Wünderlich, Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Jungblut mit der Delegation aus Thailand

On 2nd April 2019, a delegation from Thailand visited the Faculty of Business Administation and Economics as part of their research stay at the University of Paderborn. After a welcome by the Vice President for International Relations Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier, Prof. Dr. Nancy Wünderlich and Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen exchanged research ideas and future collaboration possibilities with members of Kasetsart University, National Science and…

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[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen, Dienstleistungstagung im Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum

What can services contribute to the digital transformation of economy and society in the future? This question was the focus for more than 300 participants who attended the "Service Systems Innovation" service conference 2019 on 8th and 9th April in the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum in Paderborn. "According to the Federal Statistical Office, last year about three-quarters of all employees in Germany worked in the service sector. Services are a core…

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