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Teach­ing Sum­mer Term 2021

 |  Lehre

In Summer Term 2021 the following range of courses is offered:

W2493: Wettbewerbspolitik (Lecture, Bachelor)  

W2495: Industrieökonomik

(Lecture, Bachelor)  
W2497: Institutionenökonomik und Wirtschaftspolitik (Lecture, Bachelor)  
W2498: Matching in Practice (Seminar, Bachelor)  
W4490: Topics in Competition Policy (Lecture, Master)  
W4497: Cases in Competition Policy (Seminar, Master)  

More details on the offered courses in Summer Term 2021 can be accessed here.

In unser detailliertes Veranstaltungsangebot für das SoSe 2020 kann hier eingesehen werden.