
Guest present­a­tion by As­so­ci­ate Prof. Maur­i­cio Mor­rone in the PRIME Sem­in­ar on June 8, 2022

Ort: Q0 425
Veranstalter: PRIME Seminar

On June 8, 2022 we were able to welcome Associate Professor Dr. Mauricio Marrone from Macquarie University in Sydney for his talk in the PRIME Seminar on his paper "Entity Linking Systems for Literature Reviews".


Computer-assisted methods and tools can help researchers automate the coding process within literature reviews and accelerate the literature review process. However, existing approaches for coding textual data do not account for lexical ambiguity; that is, instances in which individual words have multiple meanings. To counter this, we developed a method to conduct rapid and comprehensive analyses of diverse literature types. Our method uses entity linking and keyword analysis and is embedded into a literature review framework. Next, we apply the framework to review the literature on digital disruption and digital transformation. We outline the method’s advantages and its applicability to any research topic.

Short Bio:

Mauricio Marrone's research interest is to uncover cutting-edge trends, reveal critical knowledge gaps and connect scholarly communities by creating novel literature-based discovery methods. He has developed a strong interest in creating innovative research methods and has enhanced conventional research methods using text mining and machine learning. In doing so, he acts as a boundary spanner between disciplines, research communities, academics and practitioners. He has received several internal and external awards for his innovative learning and teaching methods. Mauricio is part of the Editorial Board of the Australian Journal of Management. In addition, he has published in top-tier journals such as the European Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Information Management and Technological Forecasting and Social Change journal.

Associate Professor Dr. Mauricio Marrone
