In the following semester, you can write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis at the Professorship of Human Resources Management in one of the subject areas listed.
Registration for theses in the summer semester 2025 at the Chair of Human Resources Management is possible from 20 - 31.01.2025 via the central allocation procedure of the faculty on this page. You can find more information on the professorship-specific requirements on the following page. We will publish the topics for the final theses at our professorship in advance under this link.
Sponsored by the LWL-Kulturstiftung in the (Post-)Colonialism project and organized by Prof. Dr. Martin Schneider, the festival invites all interested parties to an exchange about learning and working, architecture and music in Mali, the Sahel zone. Concerts are planned as well as video installations, exhibitions, round table discussions and much more. You can find current information here:
Bernd Petermann von der Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen hält einen Vortrag zum Thema "Effizienzvergleich der Stromverteilernetzbetreiber, insb. Behandlung von Lohnzusatz- und Versorgungsleistungen als dauerhaft nicht beeinflussbare Kostenanteile" am 12.06.24 von 9-11 Uhr in B1. Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen des Moduls "Personalökonomie und Personalpolitik" statt. Andere Interessierte sind zur…
At the Professorship of Personnel Economics, you can write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in one of the listed subject areas in the following semester.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 6 p.m. (s.t.) in Building O, Lecture Hall O2
Dr. Yanick Kemayou: What does learning at Kabakoo - Houses of Amazement in Mali has to do with colonialism? Lecture followed by short contributions, discussion and informal get-together. It is also the opening event of Highdigenous Live! Festival of Amazement, which will take place on the campus of Paderborn University in July 2024.
At the Professorship of Personnel Economics, you can write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in one of the listed subject areas in the following semester.
Registration for theses in the winter semester 2024/25 is possible from 24.06. - 05.07.2024 via the central allocation procedure of the faculty on this page. Further information on the professorship-specific requirements can be found on the following page. We will publish the topics for the theses at our professorship in advance under this link.
| 11.15 - 12.45 h
Universität Paderborn,
Business Administration and Economics,
Humanities and Social Science,
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Wednesday, January 10, 11:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in Q1.203
Heiner Heiland, University of Göttingen, worked as a courier himself. He uses this experience and sociological theories to understand control by algorithms in the platform economy from a new perspective. The lecture is part of the interdisciplinary seminar "Mensch-Maschine: Diskurse und Konzepte in Wirtschafts- und Kulturwissenschaften". Interested parties are cordially invited to attend.