Paderborn Research Centre for Sustainable Economy (PARSEC)

The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is expanding its faculty-wide activities on sustainability with the Paderborn Research Centre for Sustainable Economy (PARSEC). It understands "sustainable economy" as long-term orientated economic development with special consideration of social, environmental and cultural phenomena. The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is thus addressing one of the central challenges of the next generations and, in this thematic orientation, is congruent with the United Nations' Agenda 2030 goals for sustainable development (in many respects).


Paderborn University and its cooperation partners have made it into the top 15 in the "EXIST-Startup Factories" lighthouse competition. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck presented the university's representatives with the certificate for the concept phase funding at the EXIST Congress in Berlin at the beginning of June. EXIST is a funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) with the aim of…

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New re­search centre for sus­tain­ab­il­ity at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

"Paderborn Research Centre for Sustainable Economy" officially opened Sustainability is becoming increasingly important: in society, in business and in science. As an important topic for the future, it is already permeating almost all areas of life. With the "Paderborn Research Center for Sustainable Economy" - PARSEC for short - the Paderborn University is instituting a research centre that aims to establish itself as a trusted partner for…

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Mac­roe­co­nom­ics and glob­al­isa­tion: an in­dis­pens­able link

In his research, Prof. Dr. Daniel Baumgarten deals intensively with the consequences of the global division of labour on the German economy. In essence, it is about what kind of value creation takes place in Germany and what effects it has on activities in Germany. In his research, the newly appointed researcher shows how closely global economic developments are linked to our daily lives. His work contributes to a better understanding of complex…

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Work­arounds as a driver for pro­cess in­nov­a­tions

New study examines the role of workarounds in organisations As targeted deviations from standard procedures, workarounds enable employees to overcome hurdles and increase their overall productivity. Although their use is widespread in organisations, many aspects have been little researched to date. Researchers at Paderborn University are now investigating the extent to which workarounds can innovate processes and thus help companies remain…

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Hon­our­ing out­stand­ing theses

On 6 June, the UGO prizes for outstanding Bachelor's and Master's theses from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics were awarded at Gräflicher Park Bad Driburg. Max Nolting's thesis on "ChatGPT as a social mood meter - approaches to the use of AI chatbots for sentiment analysis in social media", supervised by Prof Dr Matthias Trier, was selected by the committee as the best Bachelor's thesis. Two winners of the Master's theses were…

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Sup­port stu­dents in the pre­par­a­tion of sci­entif­ic pa­pers

"#myfirstresearchpaper" project launched in April Student papers that become research papers - for many, this is the start of an academic career. In April, Paderborn University launched the teaching innovation project "#myfirstresearchpaper" from the Department of Information Systems to improve both the quantity and quality of student submissions to academic conferences and journals. The aim is to develop a range of modules designed to give…

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Dr Yvonne Groening, Managing Partner of myconsult GmbH and Managing Director of myndsoft GmbH, has been inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics as a successful founder and entrepreneur. Dr Yvonne Groening completed her training as an industrial clerk at Varta Batterie AG in Hanover before studying business administration at the Otto Friedrich University in Bamberg. She then completed her doctorate…

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Prof Dr David Bartlitz 's research focuses on issues of commercial law, in particular corporate, banking and capital market law. The newly appointed professor uses empirical and economic methods to develop a clear legal regime. This should provide companies with a reliable basis for decision-making and thus promote overall economic welfare. Wide-ranging interests and academic career In his spare time, Prof Dr David Bartlitz is both a passionate…

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Unsere Forschung

Forschen für eine sozialkulturelle, ökologische und ökonomische Entwicklung: Die drei Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit zeigen auf, welche Dimensionen und Perspektiven es bei diesem Thema zu berücksichtigen gilt. Unsere sechs Departments erlauben uns, eine vielfältige und interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, wie eine nachhaltige Wirtschaft  gestaltet werden sollte. Lassen Sie sich von unserer diversen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung inspirieren.


Prof. Dr. Martin Kesternich

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Prof. Dr. Simon Thanh-Nam Trang

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Prof. Dr. Philip Yang

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Prof. Dr. Daniel Reimsbach

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Prof. Dr. Karina Kiepe

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Un­sere Lehre


Nummer Name Semester ECTS Sprache Ansprechpartner
M.184.2405 Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Umwelt- und Verhaltensökonomik SoSe/WS 5 DEU Martin Kesternich
M.184.3420 Einführung in die Umweltökonomik SoSe  5 DEU Martin Kesternich
M.184.3421 Fostering sustainability: an economic perspective WS 5 ENG Martin Kesternich
M.184.2513 Kommunikation und Führung SoSe  5 DEU Karina Kiepe
M.184.2530 Authentisch führen und kommunizieren SoSe  5 DEU Karina Kiepe
M.184.2539 Team- und Beziehungsprozesse reflektiert gestalten WS 5 DEU Karina Kiepe
M.184.1202 Taxation, Accounting & Finance SoSe  10 DEU Daniel Reimsbach
M.184.3292 SAR 2: Sustainable Investments SoSe  5 DEU Daniel Reimsbach
M.184.3293 Wirtschaftsprüfung, Nachhaltigkeit und digitale Transformation SoSe  5 DEU Daniel Reimsbach
M.184.3290 FA 5: Anhang, Lagebericht, Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung WS 5 DEU Daniel Reimsbach
M.184.3291 SAR 1: Sustainability, Accounting and Reporting WS 5 DEU Daniel Reimsbach
M.184.1302 Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik WS 5 DEU Simon Trang
M.184.3342 Methoden des Informationssicherheitsmanagements SoSe  5 DEU Simon Trang
M.184.3344 Studienarbeit: Informationssicherheitsmanagement WS 5 DEU Simon Trang
M.184.3345 Fostering sustainability: an digitalization perspective WS 5 ENG Simon Trang
M.184.3183 Sustainable Leadership SoSe/WS 10 ENG Philip Yang
M.184.3184 Scientific Research in SHRM & Leadership (Bachelor) SoSe/WS 5 ENG Philip Yang



Nummer Name Semester ECTS Sprache Ansprechpartner
M.184.4405 Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Umwelt- und Verhaltensökonomik SoSe/WS 5 DEU Martin Kesternich
M.184.4406 Field Experiments in Environmental and Behavioral Economics SoSe 5 ENG Martin Kesternich
M.184.5420 Impact Evaluation in Environmental Economics Using Field Experiments SoSe 5 ENG Martin Kesternich
M.184.5481 Using Bg Data to Solve Economic and Social Problems WS 5 ENG Martin Kesternich
M.184.5482 Behavioral Environmental Economics WS 5 ENG Martin Kesternich
M.184.5505 Sich selbst und andere führen SoSe 5 DEU Karina Kiepe
M.184.4561 Microteaching SoSe 5 DEU Karina Kiepe
M.184.5519 Europäische Bildungspolitik und vergleichende Analyse von Berufbsbildungssystemen SoSe 5 DEU Karina Kiepe
M.184.4519 Berufspädagogische Gestaltung der Berufsbildung WS 5 DEU Karina Kiepe
M.184.5539 Team- und Gruppenprozese anleiten, verstehen und reflektieren WS 5 DEU Karina Kiepe
M.184.5291 Accounting, Organizations and Society SoSe 5 ENG Daniel Reimsbach
M.184.5290 Advanced Sustainability Reporting WS 5 ENG Daniel Reimsbach
M.184.5341 Projektseminar: Digitalization of Critical Infrastructures SoSe 10 DEU Simon Trang
M.184.5342 Projektseminar: Advanced Topics in Information Security Management WS 10 DEU Simon Trang
M.184.5343 Strategisches IT-Management - eine Forschungsperspeltive WS 5 DEU Simon Trang
M.184.5185 Evidence-Based HRM & Leadership SoSe 5 ENG Philip Yang
M.184.5184 Scientific Research in SHRM & Leadership (Master) SoSe/WS 5 ENG Philip Yang
M.184.5183 Empirical Studies in SHRM & Leadership WS 5 ENG Philip Yang


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"One size fits all gibt es in der Nachhaltigkeit nicht."

Eindrücke der PAR­SEC-Räum­lich­keiten

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Get in touch with us!

Jana Driller

Referent - Research Associate

Office: TP8.0.35
Phone: +49 5251 60-4713

Anna Floer

Referent - Research Associate - Referentin

Office: TP8.0.28
Phone: +49 5251 60-4700

Martin Kesternich

Speaker - Professor

Office: TP8.0.34
Phone: +49 5251 60-4709

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Adresse: Technologiepark 8, 33098 Paderborn

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