The art­icle „ A two-level ap­proach for multi-ob­ject­ive flex­ible job shop schedul­ing and en­ergy pro­cure­ment“ ac­cep­ted for Pub­lic­a­tion in…

The article „ A two-level approach for multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling and energy procurement“ by Sascha Burmeister (Paderborn University), Daniela Guericke (University of Twente) and Guido Schryen (Paderborn University) was accepted for publication in Cleaner Energy Systems (Elsevier). Abstract: Dynamic energy tariffs in combination with energy storage systems (ESS) and renewable energy sources (RES) offer manufacturers new…

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The art­icle „A Memet­ic NSGA-III for Green Flex­ible Pro­duc­tion with Real-Time En­ergy Costs & Emis­sions“ ac­cep­ted for Pub­lic­a­tion in…

The article „A Memetic NSGA-III for Green Flexible Production with Real-Time Energy Costs & Emissions“ by Sascha Burmeister was accepted for publication in Croatian Operational Research Review (Croatian Operational Research Society). Abstract: The use of renewable energies strengthens decarbonization strategies. To integrate volatile renewable sources, energy systems require grid expansion, storage capabilities, or flexible consumption. This…

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Art­icle "Ex­plor­ing the Scope of Gen­er­at­ive AI in Lit­er­at­ure Re­view De­vel­op­ment" ac­cep­ted for Pub­lic­a­tion in Elec­tron­ic Mar­kets

The article "Exploring the Scope of Generative AI in Literature Review Development" by  Guido Schryen (University Paderborn), Mauricio Marrone (Macquarie University, Australia) and Jack Yang (Macquarie University, Australia) was accepted for Publication in Electronic Markets (Herausgeber folgt). Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform the way research is conducted, particularly through generative AI (GenAI) tools…

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Ar­t­ic­le "Par­al­lel Branch-and-Price Al­gorithms for the Single Ma­chine Total Weighted Tardi­ness Schedul­ing Prob­lem with Se­quence-De­pend­ent…

The article "Parallel Branch-and-Price Algorithms for the Single Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Scheduling Problem with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times" by Philipp Speckenmeyer, Constanze Hilmer, Gerhard Rauchecker, and Guido Schryen was accepted for publication in Computers & Operations Research (Elsevier). Abstract: Scheduling problems occur in a broad range of real-world application fields and have attracted a huge set of research…

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Job ad­vert­ise­ments for the FlexLabQuart­i­er re­search pro­ject

For the FlexLabQuartier research project, we are looking for a research associate and an assistant (SHK or WHB).

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Art­icle "A Memet­ic NSGA-II for the Multi-Ob­ject­ive Flex­ible Job Shop Schedul­ing Prob­lem with Real-time En­ergy Tar­iffs" ac­cep­ted for…

Our article "A Memetic NSGA-II for the Multi-Objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Real-time Energy Tariffs" was accepted for publication in Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (Springer), Sascha Burmeister, Daniela Guericke (University of Twente), and Guido Schryen. Abstract: Rising costs for energy are increasingly becoming a vital factor for the production planning of manufacturing companies. Manufacturers face the…

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15.10.2024 - 15.10.2024

PRIME: Prof. Nik Has­san (Uni­ver­sity of Min­nesota Du­luth) “From Tinker­ing with Mod­els to En­ga­ging with The­ory“

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22.01.2024 - 22.01.2024

PRIME: Prof. Dr. Patrick Zschech, Uni­versität Leipzig, „Design­ing a Neur­al Ques­tion-An­swer­ing Sys­tem for Times of (In­form­a­tion) Crises“

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02.07.2024 - 02.07.2024

Prof. Ser­­ge­ja Slap­n­i­­car "Meas­ure­ment and man­age­ment of cy­ber risk"

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PRIME: Dr. Markus Wein­mann, Uni­versität Liecht­en­stein "When the stars shine too bright: As­sess­ing the in­flu­ence of mul­ti­di­men­sion­al…

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PRIME: Dr. Daniel Schnurr, Uni­versität Pas­sau "Stand­ing on the Shoulders of Web Gi­ants: The Eco­nom­ic Ef­fects of Per­son­al Data Mar­kets"

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