
Art­icle „Study on Sens­it­iv­ity of Elec­tric Bus Sys­tems un­der Sim­ul­tan­eous Op­tim­iz­a­tion of Char­ging In­fra­struc­ture and Vehicle Sched­ules” ac­cep­ted for pub­lic­a­tion in EURO Journ­al on Trans­port­a­tion and Lo­gist­ics

 |  Forschung - Research

The transition from traditional fuel-based bus transportation towards electric bus systems is regarded as a beacon of hope for emission-free public transport. In this study, we focus on battery electric bus systems, in which charging is possible at a variety of locations distributed at terminal stations over the entire bus network. In such systems, two intertwined planning problems to be considered are charging location planning and electric vehicle scheduling. We account for the interdependent nature of both planning problems by adopting a simultaneous optimization perspective. Our “Study on Sensitivity of Electric Bus Systems under Simultaneous Optimization of Charging Infrastructure and Vehicle Schedules” (authors: Miriam Stumpe, David Rößler (FU Berlin), Guido Schryen, and Natalia Kliewer (FU Berlin) has been accepted for publication in the EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics. A preprint of the publication is available for download at the following address:


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Miriam Stumpe

Management Information Systems and Operations Research

Write email +49 5251 60-3122