
Art­icle „De­cision Sup­port for Dis­aster Re­lief: Co­ordin­at­ing Spon­tan­eous Vo­lun­teers” ac­cep­ted for pub­lic­a­tion in European Journ­al of Op­er­a­tion­al Re­search

 |  Forschung - Research

In the aftermath of large-scale disasters, the exploitation of often up to thousands of spontaneous volunteers is crucial to meet the need for surge capacity which cannot be met by professional relief organizations. In our study, we suggest a mathematical decision support model for the coordination of spontaneous volunteers and computationally validate the model in extensive experiments based on real-world data of a flood disaster. Our study “Decision Support for Disaster Relief: Coordinating Spontaneous Volunteers” (authors: Martina Sperling and Guido Schryen) has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research. A preprint of the publication is available for download at the following address:


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Martina Sperling

Management Information Systems and Operations Research

Write email +49 5251 60-3116