Present­a­tion: Car­en Sureth-Sloane: „Ac­count­ing for Trans­par­ency“ – Steuer­wirkun­gen, Un­ternehmens- und Steuer­trans­par­enz, Found­a­tion for…

On October 20th, 2023, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Caren Sureth-Sloane gives a presentation on „Accounting for Transparency – Steuerwirkungen, Unternehmens- und Steuertransparenz" at the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Foundation for Family Businesses in Berlin.

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TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Re­becca Lester "The Spider­web of Part­ner­ship Tax Struc­tures"

TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On October 17, 2023, Rebecca Lester (Stanford Graduate School of Business) presented the paper "The Spiderweb of Partnership Tax Structures" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar.

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TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Al­ex­an­der Liß: "IP Dis­clos­ure un­der IP Lit­ig­a­tion"

As part of the Brown Bag Seminars, Alexander Liß gave a presentation on October 10, 2023, on the topic "IP Disclosure under IP Litigation".

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Present­a­tion: Hen­ning Giese: Tax com­plex­ity, tax de­part­ment struc­ture, and tax risk, Herb­sttagung der Kom­mis­sion Be­trieb­swirtschaft­liche…

On September 28th, 2023, Dr. Henning Giese gives a presentation on „Tax complexity, tax department structure, and tax risk“ at the Herbsttagung der Kommission Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre im VHB e.V. at the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in Ingolstadt.

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Pub­lic­a­tion: Heine­mann-Heile, Maiterth, Sureth-Sloane: Um­frage: Be­w­er­tung In­vest­i­tionsfördernder MaßF­nah­men durch Un­terneh­men aus…

Heinemann-Heile, Vanessa, Maiterth, Ralf, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2023): Umfrage: Bewertung Investitionsfördernder Maßnahmen durch Unternehmen aus Handel, Dienstleistung und Industrie, Executive Summary, doi:

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Pub­lic­a­tion: Heine­mann-Heile, Maiterth, Sureth-Sloane: Um­frage: Beur­teilung In­vest­i­tionsfördernder Maß­nah­men durch Un­terneh­men im…

Heinemann-Heile, Vanessa, Maiterth, Ralf, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2023): Umfrage: Beurteilung Investitionsfördernder Maßnahmen durch Unternehmen im Handwerk, Executive Summary, doi:

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Present­a­tion: Hen­ning Giese: To­wards Green Driv­ing - In­come Tax In­cent­ives for Plug-In Hy­brids, 10th An­nu­al Man­nheimTax­a­tion…

On September 8th, 2023, Dr. Henning Giese gives a presentation on „Towards Green Driving - Income Tax Incentives for Plug-In Hybrids“ at the 10th Annual MannheimTaxation Conference at the ZEW in Mannheim.

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Klausure­insicht LM SS 23

Liebe Studierende, die Klausureinsicht zum Modul Logistikmanagement findet am 10.10.2023 von 9-10 Uhr in Raum Q5.245 statt.  Eine Teilnahme ist ausschließlich nach vorheriger Anmeldung unter bis zum 01.10. möglich.

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Re­search As­sist­ant (f/m/d) wanted

The Faculty of Economics at the Paderborn University has a vacancy for a research assistant (f/m/d) at the Chair of Tax Accounting (Prof. Dr. Jens Müller).

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Ex­am re­views sum­mer semester 2023

Die Klausureinsichten für die Module Finanzwirtschaft (W3270), Bankwirtschaft (W4276) und ESG bei Finanzdienstleistern (W3272) finden am Dienstag, den 26.09.2023 von 9:00 - 11:00 Uhr in Raum Q5.245 statt.  Wir bitten um vorherige Anmeldung. Anmeldung Finanzwirtschaft Per E-Mail an Frau Sarah Herwald Anmeldung Bankwirtschaft Per E-Mail an Frau Simone Voigt Anmeldung ESG bei Finanzdienstleistern Per E-Mail an Frau Sarah Herwald Anmeldeschluss:…

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Present­a­tion: Car­en Sureth-Sloane: Ab­s­chreibun­gen als Mit­tel der In­vest­i­tionsför­der­ung: Frage­bo­gen sucht amt­liche Stat­istik, NeSt…

On July 20th, 2023, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c Dr. h.c. Caren Sureth-Sloane gives a presentation on „Abschreibungen als Mittel der Investitionsförderung: Fragebogen sucht amtliche Statistik“ at the NeSt inaugural conference at the Federal Ministery of Finance in Berlin.

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Present­a­tion: Car­en Sureth-Sloane's team of sci­ent­ists is rep­res­en­ted with four present­a­tions at the 18th ar­qus an­nu­al meet­ing

On July 13th, Daniel Dyck, Yuri Piper, Adrian Schipp and Kim Alina Schulz present their research at the 18th arqus annual meeting at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg.

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Ph.D. of Maryna Gu­lenko

On July 12th, 2023, Maryna Gulenko defended her doctoral dissertation entitled "Three Essays on Corporate Social Responsibility Activities and Reporting" successfully before the examination board. The whole team congratulates her on a fantastic dissertation and disputation!

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TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar:"Coun­try level private firm trans­par­ency and M&A trans­ac­tions "

On July 11, 2023, Simone Euler (Humboldt-University Berlin) presented the paper "Country level private firm transparency and M&A transactions" at the TRR 266/TAF Brown Bag Seminar. She is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Accounting and Auditing at the Humboldt-University Berlin. Her research interest is in the area of private firm transparency, as well as in the relation between NGO lobbyism and non-financial information.

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Presentations at the Deloitte Risk Advisory in Düsseldorf

Present­a­tions at De­loitte Risk Ad­vis­ory in Düs­sel­dorf - Suc­cess­ful con­clu­sion of the bank­ing sem­in­ar

On 30.06.2023, the participating students of the Master's module "Seminar on Banking" were guests at Deloitte Risk Advisory in Düsseldorf together with Prof. Dr. André Uhde and Ms. Simone Voigt as a research assistant of the professorship. During the semester, the seminar students worked in small groups on a selection of projects already carried out in practice in the field of "Risk Management and Regulation of Banks". They received…

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