TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Vanessa Heine­mann-Heile: "Pre­dict­ing Firms' Tax Rate Per­cep­tion"

As part of the Brown Bag Seminar, Vanessa Heinemann-Heile will give a presentation on "Predicting Firms' Tax Rate Perception" on 25 June 2024.

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In­form­a­tion event on fi­nal theses, 27.06.2024

The application phase for the centralised award procedure, in which the two tax professorships (Sureth-Sloane and Müller) will participate, will start shortly. We would therefore like to invite you to an information event in which we will provide you with information about our professorships, the potential subject areas and the supervision concepts. We will then take the time to answer any questions you may have. The event will take place on Thu…

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Present­a­tion: Hen­ning Giese: Firm-Level Tax Audit En­force­ment: A Gen­er­at­ive AI-Based Meas­ure­ment, Dis­cus­sion of the work­ing pa­per of…

On 8 July 2024, Henning Giese will give a presentation on ‘Firm-Level Tax Audit Enforcement: A Generative AI-Based Measurement’ as a discussion on the working paper by Alex Kim and Ga-Young Choi at the 14th EIASM Conference on Current Research in Taxation, Porto.

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TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Yijun Li

TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On June 18, 2024, Assistant Professor Yijun Li, Ph.D. (Erasmus University Rotterdam) presented a paper titled "The Curse of Celebrity: The Effect of CEO Media-induced Status on Stock Price Crash Risk" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar.

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Job Ad­vert­ise­ment for a Stu­dent As­sist­ant Start­ing at the next pos­sible date (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Car­en Sureth-Sloane)

The chair for Business Administration, esp. Business Taxation of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Caren Sureth-Sloane is looking for a new Student Assistant or Research Assistant with Bachelor's degree starting at the next possible date.  For further information, please click here.

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An­nu­al Con­fer­ence of the Prof. Dr. oec. West­er­fel­haus Found­a­tion

Annual Conference of the Prof. Dr. oec. Westerfelhaus Foundation

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Present­a­tion: Daniel Dyck: In­vest­ment in a Tax Con­trol Frame­work, Tax Plan­ning, and Stra­tegic Tax Audits, 15th EI­ASM Work­shop on…

On 20 June 2024, Daniel Dyck will give a presentation on "Investment in a Tax Control Framework, Tax Planning, and Strategic Tax Audits" at the 15th EIASM Workshop on Accounting and Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria.

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Event: KP­MG Back­stage, Biele­feld

KPMG invites you to a career event ‘KPMG Backstage’. On 13 June, interested parties can take a look behind the scenes at KPMG in Bielefeld and find out about interesting career opportunities. Further information and registration details can be found here. Registration deadline is 06 June 2023. 

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Meet­ing of the Ex­cel­lence stu­dents with the TAF pro­fess­ors

Meeting of the Excellence students with the TAF professors and staff

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Present­a­tion: Hen­ning Giese: Clos­ing Pan­dora's IP Box: The Im­pact of the Nex­us Ap­proach on Pat­ent Shift­ing and In­nov­at­ive Activ­ity,…

On 12 June 2024, Henning Giese will give a lecture on ‘Closing Pandora's IP Box: The Impact of the Nexus Approach on Patent Shifting and Innovative Activity’ as a discussion on the working paper by Matti Boie-Wegener as part of the Virtual Doctoral Tax Seminar.

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Cel­eb­rat­ing the best mas­ter stu­dents

The Department of Taxation Accounting and Finance is proud to award two students for exceptional performance in the M.Sc.Taxation, Accounting and Finance program. Ms. Yolanda Bonnie Elfriede Schmidt (absent due to illness) and Ms. Kim Alina Schulz graduated as the top students of the year 2023, each earning the Master’s degree in Taxation, Accounting and Finance with an outstanding overall grade of 1.0. Their achievements, dedication and hard…

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Present­a­tion at the in­aug­ur­al ce­re­mony of the Pader­born Re­search Cen­ter for Sus­tain­able Eco­nomy (PAR­SEC)

On 7th June 2024, Pia Stoczek, along with colleagues from the TAF department at Paderborn University, Yuri Piper, Patrick Marcel Pradella, and Dr. Henning Giese, participated in the poster session of the inaugural ceremony of the Paderborn Research Center for Sustainable Economy (PARSEC). Pia Stoczek presented a poster titled "That's (in)credible: Disclosure on green bond sections" as part of the event. The research investigates whether…

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UGO prize for out­stand­ing Mas­ter's thes­is awar­ded to Ali­ana Görtz

On June 6, the UGO prizes for outstanding Bachelor's and Master's theses from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics were awarded at Gräflicher Park Bad Driburg. We are very proud that Aliana Görtz was honored for her Master's thesis on “The effects of firm transparency on the insolvency process: Evidence from Germany”. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Urska Kosi, Chair of  Financial Accounting and Auditing at the Department…

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Gastvor­trag von Her­rn Marco Wink­hold & Frau Kath­ar­ina Schwarz (Fuchs Gruppe)

Am 04.06.2024 hielt Herr Marco Winkhold, Chief Financial Officer - CFO, DF World of Spices GmbH, im Rahmen des Moduls "Finanzwirtschaft" von Prof. Dr. André Uhde einen Vortrag zum Thema: "Herausforderungen im Treasury Management der Fuchs Gruppe - Unternehmensfinanzierung in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit und steigender Zinsen" Herr Winkhold wurde begleitet von Frau Katharina Schwarz. Der Vortrag fand um 17:30 Uhr im Hörsaal H1 statt. A…

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Cel­eb­rat­ing the best bach­el­or stu­dents

The Department of Taxation Accounting and Finance is delighted to award the best bachelor students for their outstanding performance. We are proud to recognize the excellent achievements of Jan Bobe, Philipp Brandes, Dustin Düwel, Sara Gehlhaus, Martin Illenseer, Tobias Kellerhoff, Victoria Lücke und Nadine Schnülle who have excelled in modules of our Department. They have been awarded special certificates for their outstanding performance,…

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