Car­en Sureth-Sloane in in­ter­view with Rem­bert Un­ter­stell (ger­man re­search, DFG): „Al­low­ing the Eco­nomy to Breathe Even Dur­ing the Crisis“,…

Unterstell, Rembert (2023): „Allowing the Economy to Breathe Even During the Crisis“ – Interview with Tax Expert Caren Sureth-Sloane, german research – Magazine of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1/2023, 8-11. Available at: DFG.

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Foto (Universität Paderborn): Die Vertreter*innen der UGO-Kommission Prof. Dr. André Uhde und Jun.-Prof. Dr. Regina Ortmann mit den Preisträger*innen Linda Schönberger und Katharina Wittek sowie dem Vorsitzenden der Unternehmergruppe Ostwestfalen e. V. Thomas Koch (v. l. n. r.).

Ex­zel­len­zfor­um 2023: Ver­lei­hung des UGO-Pre­is an Frau Linda Schön­ber­ger

Das diesjährige Exzellenzforum war der Höhepunkt des Exzellenzprogramms. Studierende präsentierten ihre Forschungsarbeiten, erhielten wertvolles Feedback und wurden für ihre herausragenden Leistungen ausgezeichnet. Neben den Teilnehmenden des Exzellenzprogramms wurden auch Linda Schönberger und Katharina Wittek für ihre herausragenden Abschlussarbeiten mit dem UGO-Preis geehrt. Frau Linda Schönberger verfasste Ihre Masterarbeit mit dem Titel "Ve…

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Prac­tic­al lec­ture by Till Kar­rer (KP­MG Frank­furt/Main): "The in­ter­play of ac­count­ing and fin­an­cing in troubled times"

On 03.07.2023, Mr. Karrer, Head of Debt Advisory & Alumni of UPB, will gave a practical lecture as part of the module FA2: Advanced Fundamentals of External Accounting. This lecture offers exciting insights into a highly topical subject area and thus combines practice and teaching in a new way.

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Present­a­tion: Daniel Dyck: How Do Tax Tech­no­logy and Con­tro­versy Ex­pert­ise Af­fect Tax Dis­putes?, 13th Ac­count­ing Re­search Work­shop,…

On June 29th, 2023, Daniel Dyck gives a presentation on „How Do Tax Technology and Controversy Expertise Affect Tax Disputes?“ at the 13th Accounting Research Workshop at the University of Zurich in Zurich, Switzerland.

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TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Yuri Piper: "Wealth tax bur­den on real es­tate: A case study"

As part of the Brown Bag Seminars, Yuri Piper will gave a presentation on June 27, 2023, on the topic "Wealth tax burden on real estate: A case study".

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Ap­plic­a­tion for theses- Prof. Dr. Re­ims­bach

We are thrilled to announce that Prof. Dr. Reimsbach, a distinguished expert in sustainability reporting, is joining our team at TAF Department! Prof. Dr. Reimsbach brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, and we are delighted to have him on board. Calling all Bachelor's and Master's students interested in sustainability reporting. Prof. Dr. Reimsbach is offering a range of captivating thesis topics in the field of sustainability reporting…

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Gastvor­trag von Frau Dr. A. Her­rmann (Ev. Bank eG) im Rah­men des Mod­uls „Fin­an­zwirtschaft“ (Prof. A. Uhde)

Am 20.06.2023 hielt Frau Astrid Herrmann, Abteilungsleiterin Strategie & Nachhaltigkeit der Evangelischen Bank eG in Kassel, im Rahmen des Moduls "Finanzwirtschaft" von Prof. Dr. André Uhde einen Vortrag zum Thema: „Sustainable Finance @Evangelische Bank – wie Banken zum 1,5°C-Klimaziel beitragen können" Der Vortrag fand um 17:30 Uhr im Hörsaal H3 statt. Alle Interessierten waren herzlich eingeladen.

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EI­ASM: 9th work­shop on Ac­count­ing and Reg­u­la­tion

EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) organised the 9th Workshop on Accounting and Regulation in Siena, Italy on 19-21 June 2023. Urska Kosi presented the paper " CSR Reporting under the Non-Financial Reporting Directive: Evidence from Non-Publicly Listed Firms", which was co-authored with Maryna Gulenko and Saskia Kohlhase. Furthermore, Bianca Beyer presented the paper " Does Private Firms’ Disclosure Affect Public…

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Day of Ex­cel­lence 2023

On the Day of Excellence 2023, the participants of the last Excellence Programme and the UGO-awardees were formally honoured. One participant was Timo Pohlmann, who presented his project titled: “Recent developments in the European corporate green bond market”. Mr Pohlmann was supervised by Prof. Dr. Kosi of the TAF Department. The Excellence Programme enables students with above-average achievements to distinguish themselves through their first…

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Gastvor­trag von PwC im Rah­men des Mod­uls „Bank­wirtschaft“ (Prof. A. Uhde)

Am 13.06.2023 hielten Herr Thomas Baliero Schmidt (Senior Associate; PwC Deutschland) und Frau Amira Shala (Associate, PwC Deutschland), im Rahmen des Moduls "Bankwirtschaft" von Prof. Dr. André Uhde einen Vortrag zum Thema: „Banking Industry & Digitization - Insights on state of the art technologies" Der Vortrag fand um 17:30 Uhr im Hörsaal H3 statt. Alle Interessierten waren herzlich eingeladen.

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Job Ad­vert­ise­ment for Stu­dent As­sist­ants (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Car­en Sureth-Sloane)

The chair for Business Administration, esp. Business Taxation of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Caren Sureth-Sloane is looking for new Student Assistants or Research Assistants with Bachelor's degree starting at the end of the summer semester or for the next winter semester.  Tasks include general, supportive work in teaching and research for our chair, and general, supportive work in the coordination and administration of the TRR 266 Accounting…

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Pan­el Dis­cus­sion: Car­en Sureth-Sloane: Der in­ter­na­tionale Steuer­wettbe­w­erb aus Sicht der Wis­senschaft und Ver­wal­tung, ifst-Jahresta­gung,…

On June 12th, 2023, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Caren Sureth-Sloane participates in the panel „Der internationale Steuerwettbewerb aus Sicht der Wissenschaft und Verwaltung“ at the ifst Annual Congress of the Institut Finanzen und Steuern e.V. in Berlin.

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Dis­cus­sion: Vanessa Heine­mann-Heile: Con­struct­ing Hous­ing Lit­er­acy Through Fin­an­cial Lit­er­acy, 2023 CAAA An­nu­al Con­fer­ence, Québec…

On June 10th, 2023, Vanessa Heinemann-Heile discusses the working paper „Constructing Housing Literacy Through Financial Literacy“ by Mohamed Chelli and Darlene Himick at the 2023 CAAA Annual Conference in Québec City, Canada.

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Present­a­tion: Vanessa Heine­mann-Heile: Firms' Tax Rate Mis­per­cep­tion: Meas­ure­ment, Drivers, and Dis­tor­tion­ary Ef­fects, 2023 CAAA An­nu­al…

On June 10th, 2023, Vanessa Heinemann-Heile gives a presentation on „Firms' Tax Rate Misperception: Measurement, Drivers, and Distortionary Effects” at the 2023 CAAA Annual Conference in Québec City, Canada.

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Dis­cus­sion: Hen­ning Giese: Com­pet­i­tion Laws and Cor­por­ate Tax Avoid­ance: In­ter­na­tion­al Evid­ence, 2023 CAAA An­nu­al Con­fer­ence, Québec…

On June 9th, 2023, Dr. Henning Giese discusses the working paper „Competition Laws and Corporate Tax Avoidance: International Evidence“ by Taejin Jung, Sunhwa Choi, Jaehee Jo, and Hee-Yeon Sunwoo at the 2023 CAAA Annual Conference in Québec City, Canada.

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