Present­a­tion: Vanessa Heine­mann-Heile: Firms' Tax Rate Mis­per­cep­tion: Meas­ure­ment, Drivers, and Dis­tor­tion­ary Ef­fects, 2023 CAAA An­nu­al…

On June 10th, 2023, Vanessa Heinemann-Heile gives a presentation on „Firms' Tax Rate Misperception: Measurement, Drivers, and Distortionary Effects” at the 2023 CAAA Annual Conference in Québec City, Canada.

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Dis­cus­sion: Hen­ning Giese: Com­pet­i­tion Laws and Cor­por­ate Tax Avoid­ance: In­ter­na­tion­al Evid­ence, 2023 CAAA An­nu­al Con­fer­ence, Québec…

On June 9th, 2023, Dr. Henning Giese discusses the working paper „Competition Laws and Corporate Tax Avoidance: International Evidence“ by Taejin Jung, Sunhwa Choi, Jaehee Jo, and Hee-Yeon Sunwoo at the 2023 CAAA Annual Conference in Québec City, Canada.

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Present­a­tion: Hen­ning Giese: To­wards Green Driv­ing - The Ef­fect of Tax In­cent­ives on the Re­gis­tra­tion of Plug-in Hy­brids, 2023 CAAA…

On June 8th-10th, 2023, Henning Giese gives a presentation on „Towards Green Driving - The Effect of Tax Incentives on the Registration of Plug-in Hybrids” at the 2023 CAAA Annual Conference in Québec City, Canada.

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TAF Mas­ter Get-to­geth­er

The annual TAF Master get-together will take place on 7th June 2023 at 6pm. Use this opportunity for networking, sharing experience and spending a pleasant time together. The TAF Department attaches great importance to regular exchange and good cooperation. The annual get-together makes an important contribution to this. We hereby cordially invite you to attend. You can register with Ms. Jack ( by 4th June.   …

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Ph.D. of Rey­haneh Safaei

On May 31st, 2023, Reyhaneh Safaei defended her doctoral dissertation entitled "Transfer Pricing Rules and Tax Audits: Effects on Investments & Compliance" successfully before the examination board. The whole team congratulates her on a fantastic dissertation and disputation!

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TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Jaron H. Wilde "Hid­den in Plain Sight: Havens and Cap­tives"

TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar On May 30, 2023, Jaron H. Wilde (Tippie College Of Business) presented the paper "Hidden in Plain Sight: Havens and Captives" at the TRR 266/TAF Research Seminar. Jaron H. Wilde is Associate Professor in Accounting as well as Director at the RSM Institute of Accounting Education and Research. Dr. Wilde received his Ph.D. in Accounting from Texas A&M University. His contributions to the field of accounting have been…

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Present­a­tion: Car­en Sureth-Sloane: Tax Com­plex­ity and For­eign Dir­ect In­vest­ment: Evid­ence Across Coun­tries and Time, European Ac­count­ing…

On May 25th, 2023, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Caren Sureth-Sloane gives a presentation on „Tax Complexity and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence Across Countries and Time“ at the 45th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association in Helsinki-Espoo, Finland.

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Dis­cus­sion: Hen­ning Giese: Tax Treat­ies, Tax-Mo­tiv­ated In­come Shift­ing, and the Role of En­force­ment, European Ac­count­ing As­so­ci­ation,…

On May 25th, 2023, Dr. Henning Giese discusses the working paper „Tax Treaties, Tax-Motivated Income Shifting, and the Role of Enforcement“ by Malte Martin Max at the 45th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association in Helsinki-Espoo, Finland.

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Present­a­tion: Ad­ri­an Schipp: Auto­crats, Demo­crats and Law Sim­pli­fic­a­tion – The Case of Tax Com­plex­ity, European Ac­count­ing…

On May 24th, 2023, Adrian Schipp gives a presentation on „Autocrats, Democrats and Law Simplification – The Case of Tax Complexity“ at the 45th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association in Helsinki-Espoo, Finland.

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Present­a­tion: Hen­ning Giese: Tax Eva­sion Pen­al­ties and Ag­gress­ive Tax Avoid­ance, European Ac­count­ing As­so­ci­ation, 45th An­nu­al…

On May 24th, 2023, Dr. Henning Giese gives a presentation on „Tax Evasion Penalties and Aggressive Tax Avoidance“ at the 45th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association in Helsinki-Espoo, Finland.

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EAA An­nu­al Con­gress 2023

The 45th  Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association was held from 24 to 26 May 2023, in Helsinki-Espoo, Finland. The European Accounting Association (EAA) provides a platform for researchers from around the world to exchange and educate themselves on accounting research and education. Pia Stoczek presented the paper "Current developments in the European bond market", which was co-authored with Benedikt Franke…

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TRR 266 „Ac­count­ing for Trans­par­ency" Ex­ten­sion of the fund­ing

We are proud to announce that the German Research Foundation (DFG) has extended the funding for our Collaborative Research Centre "TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency" (TRR 266) and that the second funding period will begin in July 2023. The extension of funding shows that the DFG recognises the potential and importance of our research for scientific progress and society. TRR266 has obviously achieved results that have convinced the research…

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Out­stand­ing per­form­ance in the CHE rank­ing

Finally, results of the CHE ranking have been published. We are proud to announce that the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University has once again achieved outstanding results. Many degree programs of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, for example Bachelor International Business Studies and Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften, were able to achieve a first-class result in categories such as…

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Guest lec­ture from PwC

On 5th May 2023, Hubert Ahlers from PwC gave a guest lecture on the topic of "Digitalization in Accounting" in the module "Digitalization in Taxation and Accounting". Many thanks for this!

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Present­a­tion: Prof. Dr. Urska Kosi “CSR Re­port­ing un­der the Non-Fin­an­cial Re­port­ing Dir­ect­ive: Evid­ence from Non-Pub­licly Lis­ted Firms”,…

Prof. Dr. Urska Kosi presented on May 11, 2023 at VU Amsterdam the Paper „CSR Reporting under the Non-Financial Reporting Directive: Evidence from Non-publicly Listed Firms“. The paper is a joint work with Dr. Saskia Kohlhase and Maryna Gulenko.

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