Ex­cit­ing news for the ac­count­ing and fin­ance com­munity!

We are pleased to announce that Dennis Großmann and Sebastian Hinder from the Department of Taxation, Accounting and Finance recently took their skills to the next level by attending an intensive PhD course on Empirical Financial Accounting Research at Erasmus University Rotterdam from May 27th to May 31st, 2024. The course was taught by a powerhouse team of experts, including Christof Beuselinck (IÉSEG School of Management), Erik Peek (Rotterdam…

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IASB Re­search Ses­sion

The TRR266 paper “Acquired intangible assets, CAM disclosures, and audit risk” by Alexander Liss, Jan Riepe, and Sönke Sievers was featured at the IASB Research Session during the EAACongress24. A session that includes papers relevant to IFRS Accounting Standards, provides feedback to make research evidence more relevant and accessible to standard setters and fosters the connections between the International Accounting Standards Board and…

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Present­a­tion at the EAA 46th An­nu­al Con­fer­ence: Pia Stoczek

At the EAA-Conference, Pia Stoczek presented a paper with the title "Making new friends: ECB intervention and syndicated lending" which investigates how lending syndicates respond to unconventional monetary policy interventions by central banks. The paper is part of the TRR 266 project B05 which investigates how corporate transparency affects decision-making by capital providers.

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Present­a­tion: Car­en Sureth-Sloane's team of sci­ent­ists is rep­res­en­ted with two present­a­tions at the 46th an­nu­al con­gress of the European…

On May 17th, Daniel Dyck and Vanessa Heinemann-Heile present their research at the 46th annual congress of the European Accounting Association in Bucharest, Romania.

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Con­grat­u­la­tions on your pro­mo­tion!

We congratulate Arndt Weinrich on his successful doctorate!

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TAF Brown Bag Sem­in­ar: Kim Alina Schulz: "Tax Re­forms and Firms' De­mand for Tax Tal­ents"

As part of the Brown Bag Seminar Kim Alina Schulz gave a lecture entitled „Tax Reforms and Firms' Demand for Tax Talents" on 7 May 2024.

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Participants ot the TAF Research Seminars

TRR 266/TAF Re­search Sem­in­ar: Aless­andro Scopel­litti

On 30 April 2024, Alessandro Diego Scopelliti (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) gave a presentation at the TRR 266/ TAF Research Seminar. The title of the paper was „Bank Credit and Market-based Finance for Corporations: The Effects of Minibond Issuances for Unlisted Firms“.

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Pub­lika­tion im Journ­al of Risk Fin­ance I S.Her­wald, S. Voigt & A. Uhde

Sarah Herwald, Simone Voigt und Prof. Dr. André Uhde untersuchen in ihrem aktuellen Beitrag „The impact of market concentration and market power on banking stability – evidence from Europe“ den Nexus von Marktkonzentration, Marktmacht und Bankenstabilität. Die Analyse liefert wichtige Implikationen für die Bankenregulierung und die europäischen Wettbewerbsbehörden. Der Beitrag wurde im Journal of Risk Finance zur Publikation angenommen und kann…

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Klausure­insicht Produk­tions­man­age­ment WS 23/24

Liebe Studierende, die Klausureinsicht zum Modul Produktionsmanagement findet am 08.05.2024 von 10-11 Uhr in Raum Q5.245 statt.  Eine Teilnahme ist ausschließlich nach vorheriger Anmeldung unter prowi@mail.uni-paderborn.de möglich.

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Heraus­ra­gende Stud­i­er­ende an der Pro­fes­sur für BWL, insb. Bank- und Fin­an­zwirtschaft aus­gezeich­net (WiSe 23/24)

Am 24.04.2024 wurden die besten Studierenden für ihre hervorragenden Leistungen im Rahmen der Module und wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten des Wintersemesters 2023/2024 an der Professur für Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft ausgezeichnet. In diesem Semester freuen sich die folgenden Studierenden über die Auszeichnung durch die Professur: Beste Bachelorarbeit Bastian Fischedick Beste Klausurnote im Modul "Finanzwirtschaft" Jan Bobe Dustin Düwel Evelyn Huhn …

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Pub­lic­a­tion: Greil, Kaluza-Thiesen, Schulz, Sureth-Sloane: Kom­plex­ität von Ver­rech­nung­s­preis­en und Tax Com­pli­ance: Ein­blicke in deutsche…

Greil, Stefan, Kaluza-Thiesen, Eleonore, Schulz, Kim Alina, Sureth-Sloane, Caren (2024): Komplexität von Verrechnungspreisen und Tax Compliance: Einblicke in deutsche Unternehmen, Deutsches Steuerrecht, 62(17), 914-921.

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TRR 266 Brown Bag Sem­in­ar Man­nheim: Pia Stoczek

Presentation at the TRR 266 Brown Bag Seminar Mannheim

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Stud­i­er­ende der Uni­versität Pader­born für er­fol­greiche Teil­nahme am Planspiel Börse der Spar­kassen aus­gezeich­net

Vier Monate hatten die Studierenden Zeit, ihr virtuelles Startkapital in Höhe von 50.000 Euro zu investieren – idealerweise wirtschaftlich und nachhaltig

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Award: Yuri Piper re­ceives Best Dis­cussant Award of the TRR 266 Ac­count­ing Re­search Camp on Trans­par­ency In Cor­por­a­tions and mar­kets…

Yuri Piper received the Best Discussant Award at this year's TRR 266 Accounting Research Camp on Transparency In Corporations and markets (ARCTIC) in Fügen (Austria) for the discussion of the paper "Corporate Voluntary Disclosure and Competitive Threats" by Benjamin Tödtmann (University of Mannheim).

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Present­a­tion: Yuri Piper: Pref­er­ences for Tax­ing Wealth and In­come, Ac­count­ing Re­search Camp on Trans­par­ency In Cor­por­a­tions and…

On March 16th, 2024, Yuri Piper gives a presentation on "Preferences for Taxing Wealth and Income" at the Accounting Research Camp on Transparency In Corporations and markets (ARCTIC) in Fügen, Austria.

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