Gen­er­al News

Spannende Einblicke in die Praxis: Der Gastvortrag von Patrick Zabel, Bereichsvorstand Finanzen und Personal der Voltabox AG, kam bei Studierenden und Forschenden gut an.

Spannende Einblicke in die Praxis: Patrick Zabel, Bereichsvorstand Finanzen und Personal der Voltabox AG, sprach im Rahmen der „TRR 266 Lecture Series“ mit Studierenden sowie mit Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlerin der Universität Paderborn über Transaktionen im Unternehmensbereich – und berichtete dabei aus seinem eigenen Berufsalltag. Was sich bei einem Unternehmenskauf zwischen den einzelnen Parteien abspielt, bleibt der…

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[Translate to English:] Dr. Stefan Greil (Mitte) zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane (r.), Sprecherin des TRR 266, und Prof. Dr. Michael Ebert (l.), Teilprojektleiter im TRR 266.

Stefan Greil (BMF) gewährte bei seinem Gastvortrag besondere Einblicke. Gelebte Transparenz und ein erfolgreicher Start für die neue „TRR 266 Lecture Series“! Dr. Stefan Greil, Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF), gab in seinem Praxisvortrag an der Universität Paderborn besondere Einblicke in die Steuerverwaltung – unter anderem am Beispiel des Unified Approach der OECD zur Besteuerung der digitalen Wirtschaft. Dabei legte er offen, wie steinig…

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The chair for Business Administration, esp. Business Taxation of Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane is looking for a new student assistant starting at the next possible date.  For further information please click here. 

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The article “The Relation between Tax Complexity and Foreign Direct Investments: Evidence Across Countries” by Thomas Hoppe, Deborah Schanz, Susann Sturm, Caren Sureth-Sloane and Johannes Voget has been awarded.

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On November 11th, 2019, the "Tag der Wirtschaftswissenschaften" took place as a common event of the "Paderborner Hochschulkreis e.V." and the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. The graduates of the faculty received their degree certificates in a ceremonial context. Some of them were additionally honored for their outstanding academic performance. Among the award winners is also Isabell Senger. The former student assistant at the…

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The "Teaching Award from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics for Great Commitment in Teaching" was awarded to Jun.-Prof. Regina Ortmann, Ph-D. The holder of the chair of International Business Taxation was honored for her exceptional commitment to academic teaching and for her courage in innovative teaching concepts. The basis of the awarding was her conception and realization of the module "Verrechnungspreise im Spannungsfeld…

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On November 11th, 2019, the "Tag der Wirtschaftswissenschaften" took place as a common event of the "Paderborner Hochschulkreis e.V." and the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. The graduates of the faculty received their degree certificates in a ceremonial context. Some of them were additionally honored for their outstanding academic performance. Among the award winners is also Isabell Senger. The former student assistant at the…

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On November 22, the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), which promotes knowledge-led research and free science in Germany, announced the preliminary results of the recent elections of its Subject Collegium for the term of office from 2020 to 2023.  Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane was elected for the subject collegium of Business Administration. Thirteen professors from various well-known universities ran for the five…

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